2016 Contemporary Day in Naples: free museums and events
Free entry to some museums in Naples for the 2016 Contemporary Day with activities, exhibitions, workshops and visits!
Saturday 15 October 2016 will host the Contemporary Day, now in its twelfth edition, and will also involve some of the museums of Naples.
The initiative provides for thefree opening of the Italian museum realities to present not only new artists, but also already established contemporary artists, all through international, events, conferences and laboratories.
Through a rich and varied program, which follows the different and particular identities of each participating museum, this project brings the public closer to world of contemporary art and all its facets.
Each year a guiding image is chosen for the entire edition, created by an artist called by the directors of the 24 associated Italian museums, and this year represents aEurope canceled whose borders go beyond those of the European Union, reaching the Mediterranean countries in an ideal way. It is a reflection on the divisions that must be eliminated to make room for inclusion and solidarity.
Here are the participating museums, the list will be updated constantly.
Museums participating in Naples
Castel Sant'Elmo
Match Point
It is the initiative in which the artistic collective “Giusto il tempo di un tea” presents, in the Piazza d'Armi of Castel Sant'Elmo the Match Point performance as part of the “Three tigers against three tigers - Taprobane” project, dedicated to Sri Lankan community in Naples. One will be present cricket team which will show some moments of play.
Until October 31, in the Museo del Novecento del Castello, you can visit the Taprobane project on the Sri Lankan community of Naples.
Where: via Tito Angellini, 22
Working time: 9.30-19.30 | the cricket match at 17.00
Contacts: 0812294449
Price: price quotation
Mother Museum
Il Mother Museum presents a full program of events entitled "That's Madre”Which includes didactic activities, two previews with book party and visits to the museum's permanent and temporary collections.
Where: via Luigi Settembrini, 79
Working time: from 11.00 am to 18.00 pm
For more information on the program, our article on events at the Mother.
Minimal Museum
In Fuorigrotta there is a space dedicated to contemporary art that until October 15 will show the Artist's Playing Card exhibition. It is a tribute to Neapolitan playing cards reinterpreted by 40 artists who, with techniques ranging from collage to digital, give their own artistic identity to the works.
Where: Via San Vincenzo called 3 corner Via Leopardi 47
Price: price quotation
Working time: Monday, Wednesday 15-18 | Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-12
Contacts: 081.621170- 3402558990 | Minimal Museum Site
Plart Foundation
After a few days of closure for renovations, the museum reopens and on October 15 you can visit for free the new layout of the permanent collection curated by Pina Di Pasqua. The program:
- 11:00 am: presentation of the book by Sabrina Vitiello "Mi Rifiuto di".
- 16:00 pm: Plartonvideo: Martina Muzi, Raw Color and Lucas Maassen will present their design research through short video works
Where: Via G. Martucci, 48
Price: price quotation
Working time: from 11.00 am to 20.00 pm
Info: 08119565703 | info@plart.it | Plart Foundation website