Free public transport for the Pope's visit to Naples in March 2015

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Neapolitan public transport will be strengthened and strictly free, for the highly anticipated visit of Papa Francesco!

Il 21 March 2015 represents a historical date for Napoli that for the first time he will visit the beloved one Papa Francesco. An event that will unite many cultures and which, without a doubt, will attract an exorbitant number of citizens and tourists from all over the world.

For the occasion, for several months, therefore, the Neapolitan municipal institutions and services, through a real one "Director's Cabin", I am struggling with organizational and logistic plans, to ensure viability, accessibility, safety, hygiene, maintenance and the best urban decor.

In this regard, the resolution concerning the. Has just been accepted extraordinary expansion and the completely free use of public transport in Naples, during the day of the pastoral visit.


A decision that will make a lot of discussion, given the scarcity of financial resources where the city is currently found. But at the same time a due act, given the enormous importance of the event "It represents a further precious opportunity for revitalization for the city, due to the significant media coverage at the national and international level, bearing in mind that the images of the most evocative places of the city and its historical, artistic and cultural heritage will go around the world and expected results in terms of increasing numbers of tourists and visitors in the city and therefore we decided to guarantee with an extraordinary allocation of 160mila euro of municipal funds for all the necessary interventions“, As explained by the mayor Luigi de Magistris.

An occasion not only liturgical, but one showcase of Naples that will finally be able to reveal to the whole world its true and beautiful face.

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Written by Bruna Di Matteo
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