"Kill the mothers" inaugurates the season of the Piccolo Bellini theater

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Show Kill the mothers on stage at the Piccolo Bellini theater in Naples

“Kill the mothers” at Piccolo Bellini, a show inspired by a real fact about pride and the mafia

Al Little Bellini the inauguration is inaugurated theatrical season 2013 / 2014 with Kill mothersa show staged by the company TTR, The Theater of Tato Russo, written and directed by Camilla Cuparo, with Luigi Iacuzio.

The text is inspired by a real event, which happened in a village in the province of Reggio Calabria, where Enzo, the youngest son of a beloved and respected local family, he decides to become the "leader" of a gang, going against one of the country's Mafia leaders. Despite the restraints imposed by the family, the boy does not give up his ambition and is killed. The mother will then decide to give her too to Pride and convinces her husband to avenge the offense suffered, which he too will end up killed for defending the sacred honor of the family. The woman does not stop, and she will also drag her daughter Lisa and her eldest son Vito in this whirlwind of violence and revenge.

The show revolves around the sin of the Pride, understood in the definition of St. Augustine as "Perverse imitation of God", which finds in the mafia a natural habitat where it can grow and spread like a deadly virus, which makes men irrational and merciless, in a race that continues to "close the accounts".

On stage the characters of the story are not present in the flesh. Everything has already happened and everyone is evoked by the harrowing story of Vito, in a monologue that puts the viewer in front of the extreme gesture of one who carries on his shoulders an unbearable evil with which it becomes difficult to live with ...

But these characters don't occupy the stage. And the countless tragedies have already taken place, all of them. The epilogue remains ... and one man: Vito. Which tells the consequences of an act of extreme pride through words, body, gaze, his pain. The innocent. The wise Vito. The brave. The son who decides to leave ... but who finds himself chased / invested by the feeling of his mother, Lina, who is no longer just revenge. It has transformed, magnified. It has become uncontrollable. He feels no mercy for the humanity of others. He doesn't recognize her.

Camilla Cuparo

Information on the show Kill mothers

When: 22 from October to 27 2013

Price tickets: 

  • Over 30: Full 15 € (with Card Politeatro 10 €)
  • Under 30: Full 10 € (with Card Politeatro € 6)

Where: Bellini Theater, via Conte di Ruvo 14, Naples

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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