Wine & the City 2017 at the Archaeological Museum of Naples between wine tastings and jazz

Jazz concert and excellent wine tastings at the Archaeological Museum of Naples for Wine & the City 2017.
On the occasion of European Museum Night and under Wine & the City, Archaeological Museum of Naples you can participate in a very interesting evening event. The 20 May 2017, thanks to the initiative of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, theadmission to the museum will cost only 1 euro, while thanks to Wine & the City they can taste the wines of the prestigious Casa Setaro and Terredora companies.
Everything will be made even more pleasant by the concert by the Oona Rea Band jazz group composed of very talented artists. Their sound, which certainly has jazz bases, also ranges in cooler sounds rich in contaminations of other musical genres. Their repertoire included both original songs is reinterpretations of jazz and rock classics.
Among the evocative notes of the Oona Rea Band we will be able to taste the wines of the two Campania companies that represent well the flavors and smells of our territories most representative in the wine field, Vesuvius and Irpinia.
it will therefore be an evening of culture, excellent music and the best wine to drink with the advice of expert sommeliers.