50 minutes to Capodimonte, free guided tours until October 2015

The free guided tours of the "50 minutes in Capodimonte" initiative are back
Thanks to the initiative "50 minutes to Capodimonte ", which offers interesting free guided tours (you only pay the entrance ticket to the museum) and exclusive meetings held by museum experts, until October 2015 we will be able to visit the rooms and works of the "French decade "(1806-1815) , evidence of the period of the regency of the French Joachim Murat in Naples.
The narrative-descriptive path, entitled precisely Murat in Capodimonte, will show how important was the contribution of the king and his wife Carolina Bonaparte (sister of the emperor Napoleon) to enhance the splendid and elegant Royal Palace of Capodimonte, which preserves precious French furnishings and paintings of the era. In addition, the royals were great patrons, funding and encouraging local artists and also spread a strong taste for the show.
The guided tour is the thematic continuation of the historical-celebratory exhibition "At a charging pace. Murat, king of Naples“, Set up at the Royal Palace until 29 September 2015.
About 50 Minutes to Capodimonte
When: from 25 May to 31 October 2015. The visits will not take place on Wednesdays and every first Sunday of the month (7 June, 5 July, 2 August, 6 September, 4 October).
Timetables: at 11.00, 13.00, 16.00 and 18.00
Where: Museum of Capodimonte, Via Miano 2
Info: mu-cap.capodimonte@beniculturali.it or mu-cap.accoglienza.capodimonte@beniculturali.it
Museum ticket price:
- 7,50 € | 6,50 € from 14.00 onwards
- 3,75 euro reduced