Bookmob in Naples, Piazza Dante returns the exchange of books by surprise

Book Mob in Piazza Dante in Naples, the book exchange returns
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Returns the appointment with the Bookmob in Naples, an original flash mob in Piazza Dante to exchange surprise books!

Il 27 June 2017 go back to Piazza Dante in Naples a new appointment with Bookmob, the event organized by the cultural association Librincircolo for the promotion of culture through the exchange of books.

Each time the association chooses one different theme to which the participants will have to stick to create the packaging of the book and for this event will be the city of Napoli.

How to participate in the Bookmob

The purpose of the BookMob is to take the books off the shelves and deliver them to new readers in a completely random way. Participants must wrap the book who wish to give following the theme chosen by the association, either by choosing a card that follows it or by writing quotes inside.

They will settle down In circle, taking care not to exclude anyone from the club, and at the start each participant he will pass his package to the person on his left taking at the same time the package from the companion to his right. For about 20 seconds the books will be passed from hand to hand inside the circle clockwise and randomly.

Anyone who wants to give away more than one book can leave the extra ones in the center of the circle and, at the end of the initial account, there will be another miniconto in reverse and the first one to run at the center of the human circle will be able to take the bonus books.

Information on the Bookmob in Naples

When: 27 June 2017

Where: Piazza Dante

Schedule: by 19: 00

Contacts: Facebook event  | Facebook page

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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