Car Boot Market in Naples, flea market in car trunks

Car Boot in Naples market in car trunks

Vintage items, clothing and many useful products at the Car Boot Market in Naples "

Every Sunday will take place in Naples, in the equipped structure of the Portobello Road store in Pianura, the Car Boot Market, that is an English second-hand market carried out exclusively between private individuals which in previous editions has met with considerable success.

The Car Boot Sale literally means "Sale of the trunk of the car", because the items on sale are displayed directly in the luggage compartment of the cars parked in the appropriate spaces, subject to registration and authorization.

They will be able to sell clothes (cleaned and ironed), non-worn furniture, electronic products fully functional and all that unused merchandise stored in our cellars, garages and closets. It will absolutely not be possible to sell precious and groceries.

Visitors with a more expert eye and the luckiest can do real business and also find collectibles, maybe to give away at Christmas, or to recycle or modernize. Entry is free and there will be ample parking, a bar and entertainment for children.

All the info to participate on the site of P.

Information on the Car Boot Market

When: every Sunday

Where: store Portobello Road, Via Eleonora Duse 50

Working time: from 8.00 am to 14.00 pm

Contacts: | site P

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