Who is Federico Nicotera: age, job, Carola, zodiac sign

Federico Nicotero of Men and Women

Federico Nicotera, 25 years old, he was born and raised in Rome. Currently, he is one of the protagonists of the season 22/23 di Men and women and is preparing to make his choice between Alice Barisciani and Carola Viola Carpanelli.

Let's start immediately by saying what kind of work he does the aeronautical engineer, loves to travel and is of the sign of the ram.

Biography and origins of Federico Nicotera

Class 1997, Federico Nicotera is native to From Rome. In the capital he studied, works and lives and thinks he will never leave the city because he doesn't want to be away from his family. Family made up of mother and two brothers.

According to his stories, Federico is grown up very quickly and has burned several stages due to his very difficult past. The tronista of Men and Women has always appeared very determined and self-confident, but behind this "armor" he hides a lot of suffering.

Parents, sisters and their relationship

During his run on the dating show of Maria DeFilippi, and in some interviews he has declared that he is very close to his mother and his brothers. A relationship which cannot be destroyed, as everything they have experienced in the past has brought them closer together.

When he talks about his mother, yes they illuminate eyes and you feel how one is with her. Being also his eldest son, he has lived on his skin everything they have been through.

Because he never talks about dad

In his stories we only hear about his mother and brothers, but never about Pope. Federico Nicotera has a very sad past as regards family relationships. Indeed, when the children were small, the man has abandoned his family.

During a recent interview in Silvia Toffanin's Verissimo living room, Nicotera confided that for many years now she has no longer called him dad, but by name. He also added that he used to drugs and his eyes, in addition to the suffering, saw a lot of violence especially against his mother.

It has not always been able to defend it, but as soon as he had the chance (even financially) he took matters into his own hands and after five long years of trial, they managed to remove the man from their lives forever.

Educational qualifications and current work of Federico Nicotera

We don't know what diploma Federico Nicotera obtained because his stories start from the university period. In fact, he studied aeronautical engineering and that's what he's dealing with today. For the uninitiated, his job is to check the safety of the aircraft before each departure.

To get to where he is now he had to do a lot sacrifices and not only him, but also his family. Federico admitted that it is a job that offers a lot of satisfaction, even if it involves great responsibility. At the moment he works in Rome.

The Throne to Men and Women

As we mentioned above, we met Federico Nicotera in the program of Men and women. Here she presents herself as a tronista and Federica Aversano will be with him, Lavinia Mauro e Frederick Dainese. Let's see the path of him within the dating show.

The path in the dating show

When Federico shows up in the program he has captured not only the interest, but also the hearts of many girls. One of the first externals he did was with Naomi Moschitta because at first glance it was very close to his tastes.

However, Federico admitted that he felt very confident embarrassment with her because he thinks she is too talkative. In a second moment, from the famous stairs, Alice and Carola descend and they too leave their mark.

In fact, the tronista will decide not to know other girls, but to to focus only on the two of them. With Alice they have a great harmony and they get on very well together. Furthermore, there are few disagreements between them and she manages to convey security to him.

On the other hand, we find Carola with which he has a certain feeling right away. However, there is no shortage of serious squabbles with her. At the end of February there was the choice and for the tronista it was not an easy choice.

The final choice: Alice or Carola?

At the end of February, the week after the last farewell to Maurizio Costanza, the choice by Federico Nicotera. Many thought that he had chosen Alice, but in reality he wanted to end his journey with Carola.

The latter, shortly before the choice, had decided to abandon the study because she had realized that she had in love than him, but her eyes saw him more absorbed in Alice. However, Federico went to pick her up and this gave her that extra bit of self-confidence. In the end, he chose Carola.

What happened after the choice?

As often happens, after the choice a series of rumors followed that saw the couple in crisis or already on the verge of break. In reality, they were spotted in Rome in a hotel and there is also a trip offered by the same editorial team to which the new couple has accepted.

Is it true that things between Federico and Carola aren't going well? The truth

Sunday 2 April 2023 guests in Silvia Toffanin's studio were Federico Nicotera and Carola Carpinelli who had the opportunity to tell each other more. The tronista admitted that the first time he saw Carola he had a lightning strike, but out of fear did not admit it until the end.

She's always been afraid to listen to her heart more than her mind, but this time they weren't lying to either of them. Many have argued that their story had already come to an end, but that is not the case. In fact, the couple guest already in Rome and are more in love than ever.

Curiosity about Federico Nicotera

Everything we have told you up to now is what we know with certainty of the former tronista of Men and Women, Federico Nicotera. Below we present a few Curiosity that perhaps not everyone knows.

  • Federico has admitted that he has an apparently calm character, but he is rather fuzzy;
  • He has seen too much violence in his family;
  • The mother was beaten by the father and it was he himself who put an end to this situation. In fact, he asked his mother to choose between him and her children;
  • For him, his work is of great satisfaction. When he sees the plane take off and everything is in its place he gets excited.

Social profiles of Federico Nicotera

Below are the links to the direct channels social by Federico Nicotera.

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Written by Manuela Bortolotto
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