Online Christmas concert in Pompeii: a tribute to Ennio Morricone

Jazz musician
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A beautiful online concert for Christmas 2020 in the Archaeological Park of Pompeii: it will be a tribute to Ennio Morricone!

The Archaeological Park of Pompeii organizes, on the occasion of the festivities of Christmas 2020, a vast program of activities and events designed for everyone, from adults to children, from history and art lovers to music lovers.

Pending the reopening of the Museums and archaeological parks, forced to remain closed by Covid-19, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii creates a wonderful online portal completely dedicated to contemporary art. A real collection with the treasures of Pompeii will be set up, visible from the day 21 December 2020.

Christmas concert in Pompeii

Obviously the music with the wonderful Christmas concert which will be a tribute to the great conductor Ennio Morricone. 

The Christmas concert it will take place on the Jazz notes of Rosario Giuliani and Luciano Bionidini who will perform the piece Love Theme for Nata. You can follow the concert online for free on dedicated platform.

The other initiatives

For the children instead there will be Geronimo Stilton, which will capture their attention by telling curiosities about the great villas of the Vesuvian territory. The online meeting will be visible throughout the Christmas period on the dedicated website.

Furthermore, the December 27 2020 on rai 2 and in the early evening there will be an appointment with the beautiful documentary dedicated to the last excavations of the Regio V.

Another wonderful non-online initiative is the one dedicated to cancer patients of the Pascale Institute, who will be able to access for free and with an additional discount of 20% on the admission ticket for the companion.

From 21 December 2020 until 28 February 2021 there will also be a 50% discount on the card Pompeii 365.

Event information

When: events during the Christmas period, starting from 21 December 2020, on the new portal and on Official site

Where: Pompeii archaeological park

Price: free

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