
Theatrical performances, exhibitions in museums, guided tours and all the places of interest in Naples to know what our artistic and cultural heritage offers.

The latest updates
La commedia nell'arte, omaggio a Dante a Castel dell'Ovo

Comedy in art, homage to Dante at Castel dell'Ovo

July 16 2014

La commedia nell’arte, omaggio a Dante a Castel dell’Ovo

The comedy in art, homage to Dante in Castel dell'Ovo

July 16 2014

Palazzo Reale di Napoli, installazione di aeroplanini di carta del duo Blue and Joy

Royal Palace of Naples, installation of paper planes by the Blue and Joy duo

July 14 2014

Nuovo Teatro Sancarluccio, la stagione teatrale 2014/2015

New Teatro Sancarluccio, the 2014 / 2015 theater season

July 14 2014

Festa della Birra, Art’in Mostra | 18 Consigli per il Weekend del 12 e 13 luglio 2014

Beer Festival, Art'in Mostra | 18 Tips for the Weekend of 12 and 13 July 2014

Published on July 12, 2014

Festa della Birra, Art'in Mostra | 18 Consigli per il Weekend del 12 e 13 luglio 2014

Beer Festival, Art'in Mostra | 18 Tips for the Weekend of 12 and 13 July 2014

Published on July 12, 2014

Napoli Cabaret Festival 2014 a Castel Sant'Elmo | Programma spettacoli

Naples Cabaret Festival 2014 in Castel Sant'Elmo | Show program

July 10 2014

Napoli Cabaret Festival 2014 a Castel Sant’Elmo | Programma spettacoli

Naples Cabaret 2014 Festival at Castel Sant'Elmo Program shows

July 10 2014

Teatro alla Deriva 2014, spettacoli in zattera alle Stufe di Nerone

Dating Theater 2014, raft shows at the Stufe di Nerone

July 05 2014

Napoli: musei statali gratuiti la prima domenica di ogni mese

Naples: free state museums on the first Sunday of each month

July 04 2014

Improteatro Festival 2014 | Festival di teatro d’improvvisazione a Napoli

Impression Theater Festival 2014 | Festival of improvisational theater in Naples

July 02 2014

Improteatro Festival 2014 | Festival di teatro d'improvvisazione a Napoli

Improteatro Festival 2014 | Improvisation theater festival in Naples

July 02 2014