Cumana, extraordinary trains for the Napoli-Inter match of the 19 May 2019

Cumana in Naples
0: 00 / 0: 00

The times of the additional runs of Cumana and Circumflegrea for the Napoli-Inter match on Sunday 19 May 2019.

Sunday May 19 2019 takes place Napoli-Inter match, at the San Paolo stadium in the Fuorigrotta district, at 20.30. For this occasion, EAV has decided again to increase the runs of its trains and there will be additional departures of Cumana and Circumflegrea.

In fact, after the end of the match, the fans who leave the stadium will be able to use these means to go home, instead of using the car.

Below, the hours of the departures from and to Montesanto and also towards Plain.


from Mostra to Montesanto: 22:38 - 22:48 - 23:08 - 23:28 - 23:48
from Montesanto to Fuorigrotta and Exhibition: 22:51 - 23:01 - 23:21
from Montesanto to Fuorigrotta: 23:41 - 00:41


from Montesanto to the Plain: 23:03 - 23:23 - 23:43 - 00:03
from Pianura to Montesanto: 23:22 - 23:42 - 00:02 - 00:22

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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