Siberian Education at the Bellini Theater: from the novel by Nicolai Lilin to the theater scene [Review]

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Scene taken from the Siberian Education show at the Bellini Theater in Naples

On stage at the Bellini theater in Naples the show "Siberian Education", a literary success by Nicolai Lilin which has also become a film by Gabriele Salvatores

From the Nicolai Lilin novel page Siberian Education to the stage of the theater, thanks to the careful direction of Giuseppe Miale di Mauro. The show was performed yesterday at Teatro Bellini of Naples, where it will be on stage until March 9 2014.

A story, that of Siberian Education, which has had the opportunity to be reinterpreted and interpreted in three (for now) different versions, while retaining its essential meaning unaltered. If the romance he crudely described them living conditions of the Siberian Urka (of which Lilin himself was a part), men forced to expatriate to Transistria, a region of the former Soviet Union today Moldova, in the district of Fiume Basso where they carry out their "honest" criminal actions, the film has "fictionalized" the stories of the protagonists exalting the values ​​of friendship and love, contrasting with rampant violence and cruelty.

All this work for the film taken from my first book helped me to understand how different the ways of telling the same feelings and feelings can be.

Scene taken from the show Siberian Education by Nicolai Lilin, directed by Giuseppe Miale di Mauro

The theatrical version of Siberian EducationInstead, it focuses on 90 show minutes, on the role of the family nucleus of Grandfather Kuzja (Luigi Diberti), made up of his daughter and his nephews, among which the opposite characteristics of Boris (Adriano Pantaleo) e Juri (Francesco Di Leva), honest, sincere and faithful one, the more rebellious the other, animated by a natural instinct to betray and deceive in order to pursue his "American dream". The grandfather, the "old" from Fiume Basso, has the role of educating the new "criminals" by imparting to them the strict rules of the community, paradoxically of great ethical value but not without brutality.

The story that is witnessed at the theater is the story of the delicate phase of transition that occurred in the former Soviet territories after the collapse of the USSR, between the desire for rebellion of a people exhausted, hungry and tired of subjecting to a dictatorial regime, and the spirit of freedom instilled in the youngest by American culture. But Siberian Education it is also the story of a particularly close family unit which Grandpa struggles to keep together due to the historical and political changes of the time. Yuri, the "rebellious" nephew, will not hesitate a betray the family to ally with the corruptible "cops" who promise him money and power, dragging him into the realization of his american dream.

A scene of the Siberian Education show, with Adriano Pantaleo at the Bellini Theater in Naples

Masterlyscenic plant which divides the stage into two areas and makes both the proscenium, where the events of the family take place, and the background, where the exercises of the criminals, the fights, the killings take place, dramaturgically functional. It is in a dark and dimly lit "background" of the scene that the prison scenes, the tattoos and the ascent to the "throne" of Juri are represented, totally seduced by the reign of the "new wealth", drug trafficking and Western consumerism.

And it does not matter if "Hunger comes and goes but once lost dignity never returns". Love for the god of money in this one Siberian Education every sacrifice of an emotional nature is worth it, which is consummated in the "duel" between brothers to the cry of Boris:

The action on stage is fluid and engaging, the spectators are involved in an ascending climax that materializes in an incessant whirlwind of dialogue, quarrels, despair, violence and death. To make the atmosphere at times distressing and throbbing i light cuts that cleave the scene, loading it with pathos in a crescendo that leads to the bloody finale.

For information on dates and tickets Siberian Education at the Bellini Theater consult the card dedicated to us.

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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