Elections in Naples, Manfredi mayor: here are the program and the results
After two days of voting, it was decreed the mayor of Naples, elected in the first round without having to get to the ballot. Let's talk about Gaetano Manfredi, who received the 62,9% of consents among those entitled to vote who went to vote.
An clear victory for the center left, as well as in other major cities such as Bologna and Milan. The center-right, on the other hand, did not achieve the desired results and overall failed to overcome the center-left coalitions, if not some municipalities and certainly the presidency of the Calabria Region.
Gaetano Manfredi's program
The new mayor of Naples has included in his program a series of fundamental points to work on. Its objectives are as follows:
- Public transport: certainly a fundamental discussion in Naples. The aim is to complete the ring of Subway 1 Line, and finally give the go-ahead to Metro Line 6. The bus fleet will have to be renewed and new train drivers will have to be provided to the ANM;
One of the objectives is also to complete line 10 of the metro northwards in order to connect it to the Afragola TAV station; - Job growth and the fight against unemployment: Manfredi aims to create fundamental foundations for creating a city open to work and attractive;
- The relaunch of Bagnoli Urbanistica: remember that the the new mayor will also be the Commissioner of Bagnoli
- Enhancing the Port and the waterfront: the Port of Naples must be relaunched and connections must be improved. In his program he writes that he wants to make room for innovation and create a new industrialization. In addition, the entire waterfront of Naples, from East to West, from San Giovanni a Teduccio to the San Vincenzo pier up to Bagnoli must be enhanced;
- Redevelop and enhance public urban areas: especially in the most degraded and critical areas, we want to give support to young people to fight against educational poverty and against the culture of illegality. Crime can be reduced by working alongside schools together with cultural associations and with the third sector;
- Redevelop the abandoned buildings owned by the Municipality is another of the purposes. Thus, it is possible to move on to the reconversion of the same for residential and social use.
The results of the elections in Naples
The mayor Gaetano Manfredi
As mentioned, Gaetano Manfredi is the new mayor of Naples, elected with a high percentage of votes. He has been former Minister of University and Research of the second government of Giuseppe Conte. Born in Ottaviano in 1964, but resident in Nola, Manfredi was also Rector of the University of Naples. He is a lecturer and engineer.
He was elected with a very broad center-left coalition, driven by the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement. The lists that support him are 13, including Leu, out of 32 who have tried to present themselves. In addition to the more incisive, already mentioned, which also includes the Mayor Manfredi list, there are also Europa Verde, Azzurri for Naples, Napoli Libera and Ora Napoli.
Considering the votes received by the single most important lists, we can say that the Pd received the highest share with 12,21%, the Manfredi mayor list received 9,89%, while the M5S received 9,74%.
Catello Maresca
The breakfast challenger center-right received only IL 21,87% of the votes, about 1/3 of the consents received by Manfredi. The coalition, with 8 lists in total, is pulled by Forza Italia which obtained 6,63% of the votes as a list, and by Brothers of Italy which obtained 4,40%. The Lega should also have been in his coalition, but was excluded along with other lists because they presented incomplete or late documents.
Maresca is a magistrate who also worked in the District Anti-Mafia Directorate (DDA) and as Deputy Prosecutor at the Naples Attorney General.
Alessandra Clemente
Backed by the Potere al Popolo lists, Alessandra Clemente Mayor and Civica 20-30, Clemente obtained the 5,3% of the votes, ranking fourth. The lists were divided as follows: Alessandra Clemente Mayor 3,2%, the only one to have exceeded 2%, Potere al Popolo 1,3% and Naples 20-30 0,7%.
It has been defined supercouncilor during the De Magistris syndication as it received numerous proxies: infrastructures, municipal police, young people, heritage, toponymy, among others. His first assignment was the Youth Department.
She is the daughter of an innocent victim of the Camorra and has always fought against organized crime.
Anthony Bassolino
Bassolino received the8,2% of the votes and finished in third place for the consents. Among the lists that support it, thethe only one that has exceeded 2% is Bassolino x Napoli which received 4,1% of the votes. All the others received very few votes: Naples Bassolino Mayor (1,2%), Action with Carlo Calenda (0,4%), Naples is Naples (0,4%) and Gay Lgbt Party + (0.2%).
He has already been Mayor of Naples twice and President of the Campania Region twice.
Matthew Brambilla
Backed by Naples on the move, he decided to run as an independent, breaking away from the 5 Star Movement. After the elections, he officially communicated his "unsubscription" from the M5S. He received it 0,6% of the votes.
John Mascarella
Candidate with the list 3V, got it 0,5% of the votes.
Voting turnout
Unfortunately, the turnout for the polling stations was low and settled on 47%. Therefore, 53% of those entitled abstained and did not go to the polls. Five years ago, in the previous elections, the turnout in the first round was 53%, while even before, in 2011, the 60,3%.
In 2006 was even higher reaching the 66,64%.
A decreasing trend and a negative signal as people are less and less stimulated to vote and feel an even greater detachment from politics.
Results to the Municipalities
In Naples it was also voted to elect the President and the City Council. The results see the center-left winner in all ten municipalities with Candidate Presidents with the lists that support Gaetano Manfredi.
Here are the results:
- First Municipality Chiaia-Posillipo-San Ferdinando: Giovanna Mazzone wins
- Second Lawyer Municipality-Montecalvario-Pendino-Porto-Mercato-San Giuseppe: wins Roberto Marino
- Third Municipality Stella-San Carlo all'Arena: wins Fabio Greco of the M5S
- Fourth Municipality San Lorenzo-Vicaria-Poggioreale-Industrial Zone: wins Maria Caniglia
- Fifth Municipality of Vomero-Arenella: wins Clementina Cozzolino
- Sixth Municipality of Ponticelli-Barra-San Giovanni a Teduccio: wins Alessandro Fucito
- Seventh Municipality Miano-Secondigliano-San Pietro a Patierno: wins Antonio Troiani
- Eighth Municipality of Piscinola-Marianella-Scampia-Chiaiano: wins Nicola Nardella
- Ninth Municipality of Soccavo-Pianura: wins Andrea Saggiomo
- Tenth Municipality of Bagnoli-Fuorigrotta: wins Carmine Sangiovanni