Scudetto party in Naples, stop sale of drinks and fireworks

In anticipation of the possible celebrations is preferably used for championship win by the Soccer Naples, mayor Gaetano Manfredi issued an ordinance introducing restrizioni on sale of drinks anduse of fireworks in the Neapolitan city.
Starting at 12 o'clock Sunday April 30 until 12 o'clock Monday May 1, Sara the sale of drinks is prohibited in bottles, cans or containers made of glass, rigid plastic, tetrapak or any other similar material in all public and commercial premises in Naples.
Beverages may only be marketed in light plastic or paper cups.
Ban on fireworks and firecrackers
The union ordinance also imposes the sales ban anduse of fireworks, firecrackers, barrels, rockets and any other type of pyrotechnic device that contains detonating and exploding mixtures. This limitation will be in force from 17 of Saturday April 29 at 12 o'clock Monday May 1.
These measures have been adopted in order to "guarantee the correct performance of public order and security services during the possible celebrations of the Scudetto" in the city of Naples.
More info on the Napoli Scudetto Festival
- The aid plan: health points and doctors on the street
- Stop selling drinks and fireworks
- Traffic device updated for April 30, 2023
- Transportation for the Scudetto celebrations: non-stop metro for the night
Source: ANSA