Scudetto party Naples, aid plan: health points and doctors on the street

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The Municipality of Naples is preparing the city for the Scudetto party and here comes the rescue plan which is currently being finalised. Measurements include 130 rescuers on foot, 40 ambulances e HealthPoint located in strategic areas of the city.

Costs and planning of the relief plan

The plan involves high costs, about a quarter 300 thousand euros with the postponement of the Napoli-Salernitana match to Sunday, otherwise the cost would have been half a million euros.

Ciro Verdoliva, general manager of ASL Napoli 1, explained:

"We fear a crash of cell phones so we cannot, given the concentration of thousands of people, refer to cell phones".

Alternatively, one has been prepared parallel radio communication network which will involve about 200 committed people each with a contact.

Health Point and immediate assistance

Our first aid of the city have been alerted and will be distributed HealthPoint, or first aid points, in various areas of Naples. Inside Civil Defense tents they will find each other doctors, nurses and armed vigilantes. Moreover, they will be present motorbike guards e stationary ambulances at some strategic points. Each Health Point will be signaled by a projection of red leds upwards, to make it easily visible.

To ensure a immediate help, are provided five pairs of rescuers on foot near the Health Points, for a total of 65 pairs. Each of these pairs will be equipped with a backpack containing defibrillators and first aid supplies.

Improvement of public transport

Il transport plan is also the object of attention, with the possibility of extend subway rides until midnight, involving both the services of Anm and Eav, Aversa-Piscinola and the Phlegrean lines, in addition to the underground line managed by Trenitalia.

Umberto De Gregorio, president of EAV, underlines the importance of defining whether apedestrian island and to pay close attention to security.

More info on the Napoli Scudetto Festival

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