Flavio Insinna away from L'Eredità? Replaced by Pino Insegno, perhaps

Flavio Insinna

According to some sources, Flavio Insinna could risk lose the management of L'Eredità, the famous Rai game show. Instead, it could be chosenor Pino I teach, well-known Italian comedian. I teach has already been the focus of some rumors in the past, as a possible conductor of the Festival of Sanremo, but stated to don't be interested to this opportunity.

Also, as reported by Dagospia, it could be the option perfect for The Legacy, program that could air from month of December 2023.

The hard blows for Flavio Insinna do not end here, who also seems to lose another program. At the beginning of 2023, Flavio Insinna would have received some bad news related to the program summer Chain Reaction. Rai would have decided to give more space to this program, conducted by Marco Liorni, and Insinna would not have reacted well to this decision.

Changes in Rai, read also

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