Future Remote 2014 arrives at the Pietrarsa Museum

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On the occasion of its 28th edition, Futuro Remoto will move for a day to Pietrarsa for a special kermesse between sea and locomotives

Remote Future, the international and prestigious scientific and technological review projected and realized by Città della Scienza since 1987, on the occasion of its 28 edition, on 7 November 2014 it will arrive at the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa with a series of special events related to railway navigation.

The theme of the annual event of culture, science and entertainment, started in Naples last 31 October 2014, is focused on sea. The sea as well as being one of the main resources for the city is a source of priceless life and heritage.

A heritage that Futuro Remoto is analyzing at 360 degrees facing issues concerning marine organisms, biology, ecology, fishing, aquaculture, the value of fish products in the Mediterranean diet.

No less important are the spaces dedicated to navigation technologies and much more, until the rediscovery of our coasts and the many culinary traditions that bind the sea and Campania.

remote future continues

And it is at this juncture that the collaboration with the Italian Fs foundation will be put in place, which will make available the spaces of the cultural center of Pietrarsa to give visitors a cycle of photographic exhibitions, guided tours, debates, screenings of period films, also offering the possibility of being able to see the reproductions of ships of the Ferrovie dello Stato.

A perfect link between sea, land and technology that once again confirms the importance and the historical, cultural and scientific value of our territory.

Information about Futuro Remoto in Pietrarsa:

When: Friday 7 November 2014
Where: National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa
Ticket price: 5 €
Working hours:: From 9: 00 to 22: 00

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Written by Bruna Di Matteo
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