Harry Potter on display at the Floridiana in Naples: a journey into a magical world

Harry Potter, exhibition in Naples at the Floridiana
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A fantastic show on Harry Potter and his magical world in the Floridiana of Naples, in the Museo Duca di Martina!

Lovers of Harry Potter they can rejoice because of the Floridiana of Naples one will be organized exhibition dedicated to the boy wizard most beloved of the twenty-first century and which will take place from 8 December 2017 to 7 January 2018.

The exhibition will be organized in Duca di Martina Museum and will transform his corridors and halls in a magical world very suggestive.

This exhibition was chosen because Harry Potter has now fully entered contemporary culture and has millions of fans all over the world, including our Naples, and is a very important resource for all children. He taught themimportance of love and friendship, justice beyond law, ethics and the "magic" of words to solve many situations.

Spells in Floridiana: the exhibition dedicated to Harry Potter

Visitors will ideally walk through the secret passages of Hogwarts and look at them objects from the Harry Potter universe. The exhibition will be divided over three floors and there will be well 150 magical items to admire and which are mentioned in the JKRowling books.

Visitors will discover where they are kept ashes of Fanny, the Phoenix of Dumbledore waiting to be reborn, they will be able to meet one of the oldest depictions of a Patronum, conserved by Hermione's Timekeeper, but there will also be one of the rare Three Wizards cups, the mask of the fearsome Bellatrix Lestrange.

But it does not end here because you will be sorted by the Talking Hat and you can participate in many workshops. Among these, that for prepare the Harry Potter banquet, to create potions, courses of vocal experiences and dubbing, musical performances, reading in English. There will also be musical performances and workshops for schools on the power of words. At the end of the visit, there will be a theme concept store, set up by FantaUniverse, with many souvenir gadgets and the famous Butterbeer.

The exhibition is an idea of ​​the European Human Development Council with the direction of the Duca di Martina Museum and in collaboration with Fanta Universe, born in 20 years from the first edition of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone.

In the same period it will take place every day also the show dedicated to Harry Potter aboard the Bus Theater.

Information on the Harry Potter exhibition

When: from 8 December 2017 to 7 January 2018

Where: National Museum of Ceramics Duca di Martina, via Cimarosa 77 - via Aniello Falcone 171

Hours: Monday and Wednesday to Sunday: 8,30 - 19,00 (last entry 17,30 hours) | Tuesday closed


  • 5 €
  • 4 euros for members of the European Human Development Council
  • 3 euro reduced
  • free for the days provided by the MiBACT

Reservations required for schools and groups of more than 10 people:

  • CoopCulture 848 800 288 - +39 06 399 67 050 from mobile phones and from abroad | 9.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 17.00 (Monday to Friday) - 9.00-14.00 (Saturday)

Reservation required for laboratories, upon registration with the European Human Development Council by email consiglioeuropeosviluppoumano@gmail.com: to book, use the contacts of the previous line

Contacts: Facebook event | 0815788418 pm-cam.martina@beniculturali.it

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