The best theatrical performances in Naples, March 2014 | Prose, opera and ballet Address Book

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A scene from the Antonio and Cleopatra show by Luca De Fusco at the Teatro Stabile di Napoli

Neil Simon, Italo Svevo, Shakespeare, "Siberian Education" and also an original show dedicated to Diego Armado Maradona staged in Naples for the month of March 2014

Also for this month of March the Neapolitan theaters will host, on their stages, not-to-be-missed shows, suitable for all tastes! Napolike, as always, advises you in this section the best theater show of the genus prose, opera and ballet which will be held in Naples, offering you the opportunity to choose the ones you prefer.

Neil Simon, Italo Svevo, Shakespeare, Raffaele La Capria, the highly anticipated Siberian Education and an interesting show on the figure of Diego Armando Maradona they are just some of the protagonists of this intense theatrical month full of news!

Stable Theater of Naples

Teatro Mercadante

The irresistible boys

Tullio Solenghi ed Eros Pagni they are the protagonists of this masterpiece of Neil Simon which tells of the return to the limelight of two former comedians, a successful couple with forty years of career then forced to separate. They will meet again to re-propose the sketch that made them famous, but there will be many obstacles to overcome. A fun stage show for two comedians and that will revive the splendor of the American vaudeville.

Date: until March 9 2014
Price tickets: from 9,50 to 29 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show The irresistible boys

Tullio Solenghi and Eros Pagni in the show The irresistible boys at the Teatro Mercadante in Naples

Zeno's conscience

The introspection novel by Italo Svevo Zeno's conscience becomes theater thanks to the talent of the director Maurizio Scaparro and the actor Giuseppe Pambieri who carry out this undertaking which is certainly not easy and full of obstacles. The story takes place in Trieste just before the First World War, where the protagonist Zeno Cosini evokes the salient moments of his life thanks to a psychoanalytic session to heal from his psychological "illness" that makes him nervous and unfit to live in the world that surrounds it.

When: from the 18 23 March 2014
Price tickets: from 9,50 to 29 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Zeno's conscience

Scene of the show Zeno's conscience at the Mercadante Theater in Naples

Antony and Cleopatra

The director Luca De Fusco signs the direction of a stage version of the tragedy of Shakespeare characterized by impact visual effects, strong contrasts between light and shadow and the presence of projections, which make the show a musical-visual dramaturgical reading, a continuous dialogue between music and words. Theater, cinema, music and acting are contaminated to create a total work with a strong emotional charge.

When: 26 from March to April 6 2014
Price tickets: from 9,50 to 29 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Antony and Cleopatra

Scene of the show Antonio and Cleopatra on stage at the Teatro Mercadante in Naples

Reduced Room

The lost harmony - Japanese Flowers

The theatrical cycle dedicated to the writer and theatrical author continues Raffaele La Capria, with the third "chapter" of the review, a small contemporary comic opera, a sort of Musical Theater where voices and timbres create unexpected colors, unusual dynamics, but also themes, small phrases, recurring motifs: all elements of the Lacapri narrative fabric that they refer to Mozart's practice of concertation.

When: from 11 to 16 March 2014
Price tickets: 16,20 €

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Japanese flowers

Raffaele La Capria in the show The Japanese flowers at the Teatro Mercadante in Naples

New Theatre

Cabaret Yiddish

A musical journey in the history and destiny of Jewish culture, staged by four musicians and by Moni Ovadia, ready to tell us stories and anecdotes about clichés and stereotypes about the Jewish people. With the right irony that must make the public understand the truths underlying the Zionist culture, in all its aspects.

When: from 11 to 16 March 2014
Price tickets: from 10 to 25 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Cabaret Yiddish

Poster of the show Yiddish Cabaret at the Teatro Nuovo in Naples

Teatro San Carlo

Le Corsaire

Taken from the plaything poem of Lord Byron Le Corsaire is the most revisited ballet in the history of dance composed by Adolphe Adam. On stage the first Bolshoi dancers Mikhail Lobukhin and Ekaterina Krysanova who will dance to the notes of the love story of Medora and the pirate Conrad.

When: from the 20 27 March 2014
Price tickets: from 20 to 90 euro

A scene by Le Corsaire ballet on stage at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples

Toledo Gallery

Richard III - Invitation to court

Laura Angiulli he is responsible for the Shakespearean tragedy that has as its protagonist the desire for revenge and the death of kings Richard III, a man condemned by his physical deformity mirror of his inner distortion, thirsty for power and determined to reach him with betrayals, deception and ruthless murders.

When: from 11 to 23 March 2014
Price tickets: from 10 to 20 euro

Performance scene Riccardo III Court invitation to the Toledo Gallery of Naples

Teatro Bellini

Siberian Education

From the novel by Nicolai Lilin to the feature film by Gabriele Salvatores to the theatrical stage directed by Giuseppe Miale di Mauro. Siberian Education is the crude account of the life of the Siberian Urka, the last descendants of a warrior lineage, who define themselves as "honest criminals", who respect a rigorous code of ethics but also the cult of violence.

When: from the 4 9 March 2014
Price tickets: from 12 to 30 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Siberian Education

Siberian Education show poster on stage at the Bellini Theater in Naples

Little Bellini

Fable in music for crows, wild dogs, curses, tyrants, sepulchers & flowering maidens - The story of Antigone

Review of the tragedy of Sofocle edited by Ali Smith, told by Anita Caprioli and sung by Didie Caria.

When: from the 6 9 March 2014
Price tickets: from 10 to 15 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Fable in music

Poster of the show The story of Antigone on stage at Piccolo Bellini

Horse boy in apnea

Show of Dance Flux that explores the relationship between man, his desires and contemporary society and where a "boy-horse" experiences the limit, creates a dimension of tension that accumulates and shatters in a breath of liberation ...

When: from the 14 16 March 2014
Price tickets: from 10 to 15 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Horse boy in apnea

Scene of the show Horseboy in apnea at the Piccolo Bellini in Naples

Diego - I will never be a common man

Story of a penniless smuggler, a huge fan of a Napoli stellar that is sucked up by the joys, anxieties and fears of a city that is crumbling due to the heroin war, the post-earthquake, the badges sold. In the background the story of the career, trophies and falls of Maradona, the greatest footballer of all time, at 30 years since his arrival at Naples.

When: from 20 to 23 March 2014; from 27 to 30 March 2014
Price tickets: from 10 to 15 euro

Information on schedules and tickets on the show Diego - I will never be a common man

Poster of the show Diego I will never be a common man on stage at the Piccolo Bellini theater


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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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