The Maschio Angioino in Naples lights up blue for the national day of civilian victims

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On February XNUMX, on the occasion of the National Day of civilian victims of wars and conflicts in the world, the Maschio Angioino in Naples will be illuminated with light blu, along with many other monuments/institutions of Italy.

The initiative was promoted by the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and by the National Association of Civil War Victims (ANVCG) and will kick off simultaneously in hundreds of Italian municipalities, from Palazzo Chigi to Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama, to the Farnesina and the Interior Ministry.

The Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, stated that the illumination of the Maschio Angioino it serves as a reminder of the sacrifice of civilian victims and as a warning to the contemporary world, still crossed by wars and conflicts. The city of Naples adopts the slogan #stopciviliansuibombs, emphasizing the importance of protection of civilians in any context of war and armed conflict.

Credits: Municipality of Naples

To remember the civilians who died during the Four Days of Naples

The illumination of the Maschio Angioino represents a significant moment for the city of Napoli, which during the second World War suffered because of bombings.

The civilian population suffered a huge blow, with an estimated death toll of 25.000 Guests in Four days of Naples. This initiative recalls this tragic period in history, but also the continuing need to protect civilians in all contexts of war and armed conflict.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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