The Four Days of Naples 2016: program of celebrations and events

The Four Days of Naples, 2016 program
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The complete program of celebrations and meetings for the Four Days of Naples until 5 October 2016.

This year marks the 73rd anniversary of the Four Days of Naples whose celebrations have begun the 28 September and will end the 5 October 2016.

This is a fundamental event in the history of our city since in 1943 the population rose up against the Nazi occupation which saw thousands of German soldiers along with their fascist allies. Thanks to the popular uprising, our city managed to free itself even before the arrival of the allied troops who, having reached this point, found a Naples already free, capable of giving a strong signal to the rest of Europe.

The celebrations and appointments were organized by the Municipality of Naples and by the Campano Institute for the Resistance. Below, the program with events until 5 October.

Celebration program

September 29th

  • 17.00 pm by the Campano History of Resistance Institute "Vera Lombardi"
    Theatrical representation: "Courage, it takes" - company "La Carrozza d'Oro".
    Casina pompeiana, Villa comunale (book at ICSR: 081621225 subject to availability)

September 30th

  • 9.30 hours Discovering the tombstone in Honor of the Martyrs of San Rocco, victims of Nazi-fascism. Porta Piccola Small Wood of Capodimonte
  • 10.30 am by the Pontaniana Academy, the Friends of the Archives Association, the Campania Section of the Italian Archives Association, the Archival Superintendence for Campania, the Municipality of Naples and the Campania Region: Meeting-debate "The destruction of heritage Neapolitan archival which took place on 30 September 1943 in Villa Montesano, in San Paolo Belsito ”. Via Mezzocannone, 8
  • 16.00 pm by the Campano Institute History of the Resistance "Vera Lombardi" "Hunters of memories":
    The Four Days of Naples in the books by Aldo De Iaco and in the film by Nanni Loy. Headquarters of the ICSR "Vera Lombardi" - via Costantino 25

2 October

October 3

  • 11.00 Ceremony in honor of Salvatore Sabella a "Neapolitan Mexican". Sala Giunta - Palazzo San Giacomo

October 4

  • 9.30 am organized by the ANPI and the Municipality 5: Procession from the Liceo Sannazaro to the Stadio della Liberazione (Necklace) commemorating the martyrs of the Four Days.
  • 12.00 by the cultural association "Maddalena Cerasuolo", ANPI and Liceo A. Pansini. Photographic exhibition “The Scene of the Heroes”. A. Pansini High School - Piazza Quattro Giornate

October 5

  • 16.30 pm by the Campano History of Resistance Institute "Vera Lombardi"
    Photographic and documentary exhibitions on Gaetano Arfè and Roberto Bracco. Tribute - remember: Roberto Bracco, pacifist and anti-fascist. Complex of San Domenico Maggiore

Campano Institute for the History of Resistance

26 September - 8 October

Complex of San Domenico Maggiore - vico San Domenico Maggiore, 18
Library Hall
In the heart of the twentieth century: figures and moments of contemporary Naples, four photographic and documentary exhibitions dedicated to:

  • playwright Roberto Bracco,
  • journalist, historian and partisan Gaetano Arfè,
  • birth of the Republic
  • Social, economic and civil parabola of Ilva-Italsider

3 October

Sala Giunta - Palazzo San Giacomo (Municipality of Naples), 11.00 hours.
Ceremony in honor of Salvatore Sabella "a Mexican Neapolitan"

5 October

Complex of San Domenico Maggiore, 16,30 hours.
Homage- souvenir: "Roberto Bracco, pacifist and anti-fascist"

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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