Naples: stabbed in the street, the dog also hit: how are they?

napoli man stabbed in the street hit dog
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Last night a man showed up at the Vecchio Pellegrini Emergency Department after being stabbed in the street by an armed individual. The dog was also affected.

New assault on the street a Napoli, where a man was stabbed by an armed individual while walking the dog. During the events, the attacker also voluntarily hit the dog.

Wounded, the man then went to the Vecchio Pellegrini Emergency Room for help. The carabinieri of the radio-mobile nucleus of Naples to hear the victim, a 41-year-old, and get a description of the individual.

How are the man and the dog stabbed

The man, who was hit several times in the face with a knife, received a 20-day prognosis while the dog was injured but not life threatening.

The motive behind the attack is still unclear, but it was probably a mistake.

In recent times the Camorra, in order to intimidate people and try to extort money, has begun to threaten not only to harm them, but also to their pets.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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