Naples, fireworks schedule for New Year's Eve 2023

Fireworks at the Castel dell'Ovo
Image source: FB page: Giancarlo De Luca "Passion for Photo"
0: 00 / 0: 00

The fireworks of New Year I am one show eagerly awaited by the Neapolitans. Those are, of course, used Legal and above all intended to create one show in night sky full of colors and shapes of various kinds.

Not every year there was the New Year's fireworks show in Naples, but for the closure of 2022 the mayor of Naples authorized the show.

Two fireworks displays have been scheduled:

  • Castel dell'Ovo: starting at 02:00 for about 20 minutes (main event)
  • Piazza del Plebiscito: at the stroke of midnight (00:00)

Il main appointment is to Castel dell'Ovo at two in the morning it is here, in fact, that the real fireworks display of this New Year's Eve 2023 will take place in Naples.

The Municipality of Naples also has recommended not to use i fires firework illegaldangerous for both people and animals. There are many parties organized in the city where it is possible to have fun in a safe and safe way for everyone!

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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