Sabina Guzzanti tells us how we came out, on stage at the Bellini Theater [Review]

Sabina Guzzanti in How we came out of it at the Bellini Theater
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Sabina Guzzanti tells us, from a distant future, how we managed to come out of our "century of shit", in her new show staged at the Bellini Theater in Naples

We are in the future. A bright, fluorescent future, full of joy and happiness, an era where money is once again simply a means and not an end. A distant future, suspended in space and time, where SabnaQ, a woman in futuristic clothes, welcomes with emotion and enthusiasm the proposal to give a very important speech, which every year serves to remember how humanity, especially in Italy (a name that this country had long ago) has come out of "Century of shit". Not to forget, to never again commit the mistakes of the past that reduced Italians from men of culture, intellectuals and respectful of their goods and their values, into "merdolani", selfish and frustrated, manipulative and manipulated, ignorant and materialistic.

This is the beginning of the new show by Sabina Guzzanti, entitled "How we got out", staged at Bellini Theater of Naples for only two days, the 27 and 28 November 21015. A monologue that, through its unmistakable pungent satire, tells us how, from the distant 600s, the whole world has become dominated by the liberal ideology first and then by the neoliberal one, throwing humanity into a profound crisis that has done nothing but worsen over the centuries to come, culminating in the " century of shit ". The past to which Guzzanti refers is the period ranging from 1990 to 2041, years in which neoliberalism and the capitalist economic system managed, without our realizing it, our lives and our choices.

Through a recitative and musical rhythm that alternates more solemn moments with others more carefree and funny, Guzzanti offers us a brief but incisive and essential summary of historical, political and social events from the First World War onwards, offering us, as in his style, a series of imitations of the most significant personalities of our days.

Sabina Guzzanti As we came out of the Bellini Theater

Sitting in our armchairs we spectators can only admit that the tragicomic story we witness is real, and we can not help but recognize ourselves in the terrible universe and in the equally terrible future prospects that Guzzanti presents to us. As happens in front of a cruel and spiteful mirror that shows us and tells us only what we do not want to hear, in an alienating and detached mechanism that recalls the Brechtian epic theater: the further away from us the facts and episodes are shown (both from the past and the future), the more we feel them close, very close.

Until we realize that we are still the ones we commit to condemn in the history books and during our speeches. And, if we want, we have also worsened, because we try to justify in every way the attitudes of those who govern us, without bursting, without exploding, without carrying on a real revolution of consciences. Preferring, to all this, to watch talk shows on TV, to write our useless opinions on Facebook (ironically called FB), composed of excerpts of conversations and pieces of newspaper read or listened to here and there, spending money in uselessness deceiving ourselves, in this way, to "run the economy", rather than thinking and reflecting on our current situation, and trying to solve it, before it is too late.

We all feel called into question. We are all guilty. Both when it condemns racism, both when it comes to discrimination, and when the injustices are denounced, and when reference is made to our resignation. And this is precisely the problem that this extravagant woman of the future puts us inexorably before our eyes: “We live in an ideological system that makes us think that change is impossible. This is the strength of the dominant ideology ”.

And at the end of the show there is not much to wonder "How did we come out". Rather until we think of moving forward without looking for solutions.

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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