Trenitalia regional strike in Campania on 14 February 2014

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train trenitalia

The Trenitalia staff in Campania will strike the 14 February for 8 hours

Waiting to know the new date of the strike of public transport, which will also cover Naples, postponed a few days ago, Trenitalia announces a new regional strike.

In fact, in Campania, the regional secretariats of the FILT - FIT - UILT - UGL - ORSA - FAST trade unions have decided to cross their arms for Valentine's Day, the 14 February 2014.

Therefore, for 8 hours the regional staff of Trenitalia will go on strike: to be precise, the stop time will go by 9 in the morning until hours 17.

Meanwhile, we remember above all for the users of Naples, that the 6 Line Metro will suspend the service for two days due to extraordinary maintenance work.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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