The brilliant friend

The latest updates
L’amica Geniale 3: trama quinta e sesta puntata di Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta

The brilliant friend 3: plot fifth and sixth episode of History of those who flee and those who remain

Published on 16 February 2022

Frammenti Geniali a Napoli, torna il tour roadbook sui luoghi dell’Amica Geniale

Brilliant fragments in Naples, the roadbook tour on the places of the Brilliant Friend is back

Published on 16 February 2022

At Piazzetta Olivella

L’amica Geniale 3: trama terza e quarta puntata di Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta

The brilliant friend 3: plot third and fourth episode of History of those who flee and those who remain

February 07 2022

L’amica Geniale 3: trama prima e seconda puntata di Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta

The brilliant friend 3: plot first and second episode of History of those who flee and those who remain

February 03 2022

L’amica Geniale, Lila e Lenù ospiti a Sanremo: ritornano le due attrici tanto amate

The brilliant friend, Lila and Lenù guests in Sanremo: the two much loved actresses return

February 03 2022

L’Amica Geniale 3 finalmente arriva sulla Rai: ecco la data

The Brilliant Friend 3 finally arrives on Rai: here is the date

January 11 2022

L’Amica Geniale 3 in onda su Rai 1 ad inizio 2022

The Brilliant Friend 3 broadcast on Rai 1 at the beginning of 2022

June 26 2021

L’Amica Geniale 3: iniziano le riprese in Piazza Dante a Napoli

The Brilliant Friend 3: shooting begins in Piazza Dante in Naples

January 14 2021

L’Amica Geniale 3: riprendono le riprese a Napoli in Piazza del Gesù

The Brilliant Friend 3: filming resumes in Naples in Piazza del Gesù

December 05 2020

L’Amica Geniale, arrivano la terza stagione e un premio in Spagna

The Genial Friend, the third season and an award in Spain arrive

November 19, 2020

Passeggiando con l’Amica Geniale a Napoli: tour nei luoghi della serie

Walking with the Brilliant Friend in Naples: tour in the places of the series

Published November 03, 2020

At Piazza Municipio, Naples

L’amica geniale – Storia del nuovo cognome, grande successo in America
White Chronicle

The brilliant friend - History of the new surname, a great success in America

April 21 2020