gallery toledo

The latest updates
The Circus of soap bubbles at the Toledo Gallery in Naples
Theater show

The Circus of soap bubbles at the Toledo Gallery in Naples

December 18 2016

Giovanni Block in concert at the Galleria Toledo in Naples in December 2014
Concerts in Naples

Giovanni Block in concert at the Galleria Toledo in Naples in December 2014

Published on December 15, 2014

Emergency stations at the Toledo Gallery, a theatrical review for new creativity

Emergency stations at the Toledo Gallery, a theatrical review for new creativity

05 September 2014

Emergency stations at the Galleria Toledo, theatrical review for new creativity

Emergency stations at the Galleria Toledo, theatrical review for new creativity

05 September 2014

Richard III - Invitation to court on stage at the Galleria Toledo theater

Richard III - Invitation to court on stage at the Galleria Toledo theater

March 13 2014

“A kind of Alaska” staged at the Galleria Toledo theater in Naples

“A kind of Alaska” staged at the Galleria Toledo theater in Naples

January 05 2014

"A kind of Alaska" on stage at the Galleria Toledo theater in Naples

"A kind of Alaska" on stage at the Galleria Toledo theater in Naples

January 05 2014

"Nummere, Scostumatissima Neapolitan Tombola" at the Toledo Gallery

"Nummere, Scostumatissima Neapolitan Tombola" at the Toledo Gallery

December 18 2013

Misery and nobility on stage at the Galleria Toledo theater

Misery and nobility on stage at the Galleria Toledo theater

December 17 2013

The Taming of the Shrew at the Galleria Toledo theater

The Taming of the Shrew at the Galleria Toledo theater

November 10, 2013

Galleria Toledo: program of the 2013 / 2014 theater season

Galleria Toledo: program of the 2013 / 2014 theater season

24 September 2013