Stone theaters in Campania with shows in ancient amphitheaters and theaters

Campania amphitheater
Article contents

Stone Theaters is the wonderful event that takes place all over Italy and offers theater and dance performances in very special locations, that is, in ancient theaters and in the monumental areas of the territory.

The review takes place in Campania from 15 July to 7 August 2021 and specifically in the archaeological areas of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Teano and Maddaloni. A reservation is required.

Theaters of Stone 2021 in Campania

Thirteen appointments will be scheduled for Teatri di Pietra 2021 in Campania, between theater, musical theater and dance, shows that will take place in truly evocative places rich in history.

The event is organized by Capua Antica Festival and Pentagono Produzioni Associate with the Ministry of Culture, the General Direction of the Campania Museums and the Campania Region.

The program

July 17

At the Roman Theater Teanum Sidicium in Teano the show Pollicinella Songs and sounds of a myth.

July 18

The show is held at the Calatia Archaeological Museum in Maddaloni Gallineide Giuochi in Music.

July 21

The show is held at the Calatia Archaeological Museum in Maddaloni Daphne from Ovid's Metamorphoses.

July 22

At the Roman theater Teanum Sidicium in Teano the show The storm by Aeneid and Virgil.

July 23

Lo spettacolo Dyskolos at the Campano Amphitheater of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

July 24

In the Campanian Amphitheater of Santa Maria Capua Vetere the show Dante / Aeneas.

July 25

The show at the Calatia Archaeological Museum in Maddaloni Lupus in Fabula by Aesop and Phaedrus.

July 30

At the Campano Amphitheater of Santa Maria Capua Vetere the show Knossos labyrinth.

July 31

The show at the Roman Theater Teanum Sidicium in Teano The Chariot of Dionysus, a comic comedy.

6 August

The show at the Roman Theater Teanum Sidicium in Teano The Dance of Zorba.

7 August

The show at the Roman Theater Sidicium in Teano Concert of the Rome international Orchestra in Mythological Morricone.

Information on Teatri di Pietra


From July 15th to August 7st 2021


Archaeological areas of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Teano and Maddaloni

Working hours:

21 hours: 00


Admission € 12 full, € 10 reduced - € 20 only for the concert "Mythological Morricone"

Contact us

Official website | Reservation at whatsapp number 3519072781 | for tickets: Live tickets

  • Where: Santa Maria Capua Vetere
  • When:
    • Friday 16th July 2021 from 20pm
    • Saturday 17th July 2021 from 20pm
    • Tuesday 20 July 2021 from 20:00
    • Wednesday 21 July 2021 from 20:00
    • Thursday 22 July 2021 from 20:00
    • Friday 23th July 2021 from 20pm
    • Saturday 24th July 2021 from 20pm
    • Thursday 29 July 2021 from 20:00
    • Friday 30th July 2021 from 20pm
    • Thursday 05 August 2021 from 20pm
    • Friday 06 August 2021 from 20:00
  • Prezzi:
    • Full ticket: 12 €
    • Reduced ticket: 10 €
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