Earthquake in Naples: Solfatara area, magnitude 3.6

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Today, March 29th at 19:45 pm, one has just been notified strong earthquake in Naples, in particular the areas that felt the earthquake were those adjacent to the area of Campi Flegrei. Citizens of the areas of Pozzuoli, Bagnoli, Agnano and Fuorigrotta they clearly felt the shock and many people poured into the street abandoning their homes.

It seems to have been stronger than the one felt on 16 March, just in the same area. And also this time it is suspected that more than an earthquake it is bradyseism.

Meanwhile, the seismographs of the Vesuvian Observatory confirmed the earthquake at 2.8 km, which is why it was felt very strongly.

The magnitude is 3.6 with the epicenter in the Solfatara area at a depth of 3km.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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