Traditional Concert of the Immaculate Conception in Sant'Anna dei Lombardi
THEDecember 8 2023 on the occasion of the celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at the historic building Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi in Naples, the unmissable event will take place at 19 pm Immacalota concert.
It is a now traditional event that takes place every year and is historic Cultural Association Noi per Napoli APS he always proposes again with great enthusiasm. The event will inaugurate the start of Christmas holidays.
Music and singing in a single voice of peace and hope
The concert of the Immaculate Conception, entitled Music and Song in a single voice of Peace and Hope, it will be an exciting event with a repertoire dedicated to the most beautiful Hail Marys, and with songs that are part of the Christmas tradition, such as Cantique de Noel, Star of Heaven and others.
There will be many artists who will take part in the concert, these are beautiful voices like those of the soprano Olga DeMaio, the tenor Luca Lupoli, the tenor Lucio Lupoli, internationally renowned opera artists who will be accompanied by Nataliya Apolenskaja on the organ, Gianluca Rovinello on the harp, Francesco Schiattarella on the piano, Raffaele Sorrentino on cello, Michele Gaudino on violin. Furthermore, there will also be narrative interventions by Sasa Trapani.
An event to celebrate the start of the Christmas holidays but also organized with one charitable purpose, in fact, part of the proceeds will be allocated to the soup kitchens of the homeless in Naples. Tickets they can be purchased at Central Newsstand in Piazza del Gesù or online on the Etes circuit.
The guided tour
There will also be a program guided tour to the marvelous sixteenth century Vasari Hall, it is a real treasure that is part of our artistic heritage. The guided tour will last 30 minutes and will start at 18 pm. For booking:00 391. Don't miss your appointment!
Contacts and information
Cultural Association Noi per Napoli 339 4545044 | Email | guided tour booking: 391 7944140
- Where: Monumental Complex of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi – Piazza Monteoliveto n.4 Naples
- When: Friday 08 December 2023, from 19:30
- Prezzi:
- Concert price: €15
- Guided tour price: €4