Exhibitions in Naples

The exhibitions in the museums of Naples with exhibitions of paintings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, but also exhibitions of craftsmanship of young talents.

The latest updates
"Ri-Creazione", la pittura di Pagliaro in mostra a Castel dell'Ovo

"Re-Creation", Pagliaro's painting on display in Castel dell'Ovo

November 06, 2014

“Ri-Creazione”, la pittura di Pagliaro in mostra a Castel dell’Ovo

“Re-Creation”, Pagliaro's painting on display in Castel dell'Ovo

November 06, 2014

Le grandi opere di Pompei all'Expo 2015

The great works of Pompeii at Expo 2015

November 04, 2014

Le grandi opere di Pompei all’Expo 2015

The great works of Pompeii at Expo 2015

November 04, 2014

Pittura a Napoli nel primo Seicento al Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano

Painting in Naples in the early seventeenth century at Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano

October 23, 2014

L'Impressionismo Contemporaneo di Giovanni Manzo al Pan di Napoli

Giovanni Manzo's Contemporary Impressionism at the Pan of Naples

October 21, 2014

L’Impressionismo Contemporaneo di Giovanni Manzo al Pan di Napoli

The Contemporary Impressionism of Giovanni Manzo at the Pan in Naples

October 21, 2014

Ori, argenti, gemme e smalti della Napoli angioina al Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro

Ori, silver, gems and enamels of the Angevin Naples at the Museum of the Treasure of San Gennaro

October 10, 2014

X Giornata del Contemporaneo a Napoli, musei gratis

X Day of the Contemporary in Naples, free museums

October 09, 2014

Festival Internazionale del Design a Napoli

International Design Festival in Naples

October 08, 2014

Ferragosto 2014 a Napoli: Una Mostra Impossibile gratis a San Domenico Maggiore
August in Naples

2014 mid-August in Naples: An impossible exhibition in San Domenico Maggiore

August 14 2014

Ferragosto con l’arte 2014 al Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro
August in Naples

Mid-August with art 2014 at the Museum of the Treasure of San Gennaro

August 14 2014