Dietrofront of the municipality of Naples: hanging clothes and playing football are no longer prohibited

Clothes hanging in Naples
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The Municipality of Naples backtracks and does not appear in the new regulation no prohibition on drying clothes. The Manfredi council in fact issued a statement in the morning in which it is known that in the regulation there will be no measures relating to urban decoration which instead will deal with the security theme.

An unexpected change of course given that in the draft of June 14 there were some prohibitions.

The note from the junta

The junta announces that the regulation will only deal with issues related to safety. It also tends to clarify that although in the current regulation there are no rules relating to Urban Decor, this issue is certainly not set aside because the aim is not only to guarantee safety for those who live in the city but also return all beauty to the city of Naples which for years has lived in decay.

The question: the clothes hanging

Naples is famous for many reasons one of its main features is being able to walk through the alleys of the city and notice the clothes hanging, a distinctive feature that according to Gaetano Manfredi, does not take away any decorum from the city, on the contrary it is one popular tradition.

For the moment, therefore, it seems that this Neapolitan popular tradition will remain unchanged.

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Written by Royal Serena
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