Events for children in Naples during the weekend from 13 to 15 May 2016 | 4 Advice

Events for children in Naples weekend 13, 14 and 15 May 2016
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Fascinating and fun events for children in Naples on the third weekend of May, do not miss them!

How many beautiful adventures can you live with events for children in Naples over the weekend from 13 to 15 May 2016. This is the week to live outdoors, to get to know nature more closely.

With the Butterfly Show children can participate in the artistic workshops and admire the various specimens in bright colors.

At the Botanical Garden they will be able to attend the theatrical representation Artù and Merlino of the series The Fairy Tales of Spring, in which the children will interact with the protagonists.

And if the family likes horses, there is nothing more beautiful than spending Sunday at the Agnano racecourse between games, relaxation, pony rides, workshops, picnic areas, trotting competitions and craft markets.

If you want a program that contains the teachings on nature, sport, nutrition and various creative and didactic workshops, do not miss the International Family Day.

Let's look at them in detail.

Universe of butterflies

If you want to make your children happy and expand their culture, you must not miss the "Universe delle farfalle" exhibition which takes place at theBotanical Garden.

Inside the pavilion you can admire a collection of butterflies of various colors, live or dry, rare specimens coming from the various continents and butterflies in the various stages, that is caterpillars, chrysalises and some wonderful butterflies. Children and their families guides will take you along the path giving you all the information on the butterflies and their life cycle, there will also be some artistic workshops in which the little ones will be given some gypsum butterflies to be colored at will.

When: until May 22 2016
Where: Botanical Garden of Naples, Via Foria n. 223
To find out more, visit our website reference article!

Arthur and Merlin

To relive the fairy tales that accompanied your childhood, go with your children to the garden of the Botanical Garden where the 2016 Spring Tales. You will witness a dream show in which fantasy characters will become real thanks to the skill of young actors.

The project, in addition to entertaining children, also has an educational purpose as it will deepen the relationship of children with the natural environment. The next play is Arthur and Merlin. The two protagonists of the fairy tale will make you explore the secrets to which the young Arthur was introduced by the powerful wizard Merlino, his teacher.

When: May 14, 2016,
Where: Botanical Garden of Naples, via Foria n. 223
All the details in thearticle that Napolike has reserved for you!

Sunday at the Hippodrome

All 'Racecourse of Agnano every Sunday, throughout the month of May, free entry for families that, starting from 10: 30, will be able to go to the park with their children. For them there will be a lot of fun, the playground, the tour train, pony rides, relaxation, outdoor sports and the workshops to learn about the history of King Charles III of Bourbon and the life of horses

For parents, the trot race, the second-hand and handicraft market with over two hundred exhibitors of antiques and crafts, picnic area, pizzeria with wood oven, snack bar and restaurant service by reservation.

When: every Sunday in May
Where: Racecourse of Agnano
Visit related article on Napolike!

International Family Day

family day

This weekend at City of Science you will find a full program of activities by participating in “International Family Day”. With the treasure hunt children will learn a lot about insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians and they will explore the pond. They will be scheduled several laboratories for families including the naturalistic one to learn how to build a small anthill at home and that of creativity and dexterity to shape together and give life to families mixing colors and cultures.

Other events include: “Twenty thousand leagues under the sea” during which children will give life to the Nautilus submarine, “Corporea-mente. Interventions and actions of education to motor activity and well-being”And“ A legume and a drizzle of oil ”during which you will taste and get to know the qualities of cicerchie and extra virgin olive oil.

When: 14 and 15 May 2016
Where: City of Science via Coroglio n. 57 / 104 (Na)
The program on the site of the City of Science!

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Written by Alessandro Ruggieri
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