National Day of Urban Trekking 2017 in Naples: walks and tastings between myths and legends

The National Day of Urban Trekking 2017 arrives in Naples, with walks, tales and tastings to discover the myth of Partenope!
The Napoli, with its beauties, celebrates the National Day of Urban Trekking 2017. For the occasion, on some days between the 28 October and the November 19, walks will be organized to discover the myth of Partenope.
The guides of the different associations involved will lead the participants in a world of magic, legends and mysteries. Through the city itineraries, narrated or dramatized, you will know the stories about the foundation of Naples and his popular culture, between monacielli and belle 'mbriane.
The protagonists of the initiative are the places of the poet Virgil and of the myth: Castel dell'Ovo, Nisida, the gaiola, and again Capodimonte, Pizzofalcone e Piazza del Plebiscito. Some routes will be accompanied by food and wine moments, while there will be special itineraries of baby trekking designed for the little ones.
They are well 18 appointments Neapolitans, included in the national event that promotes the development of sustainable tourism for spread respect and awareness of our artistic and environmental heritage.
Program of the 2017 Trekking Day in Naples
Saturday October 28
From the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and the egg of Virgil
Theatrical path on the myth of the foundation of Naples - Suitable for any age. Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance. By the Lunazione Association - associative contribution
Info and reservations required Cell. 3355432067 - 3393956223
From the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and the egg of Virgil
Narrated visit to the Castle in the footsteps of Virgil the magician up to Monte Echia on the "thread" of the founding tale of the city of Naples. Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance. Edited by Legambiente Literary Park Vesuvio ONLUS - associative contribution
Info and reservations required cell. 3388408138 -
From the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and the egg of Virgil
Trekking, legends and stories for children aged 3 to 10 accompanied by at least one adult. Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance. By the L'Officina association… precisely - associative contribution
info and reservations required cell. 3391411142 - 3491204993 - 08119569335
16,00 hours
From the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and the egg of Virgil
Literary Trekking "FOND / ACTION". Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance. Curated by Lo Sguardo che Trasforma - associative contribution
info and reservations required cell. 3914143578
Sunday October 29
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola
Appointment Viale Virgilio - Virgiliano Park entrance. By the Locus Iste Association - associative contribution. Info and reservations required cell. 3472374210
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola
trekking show. Along the itinerary the shows “NOSTOS” and “IL COLOMBRE AND OTHER LEGENDS OF
SEA". Appointment Viale Virgilio - Virgiliano Park entrance. Curated by Lo Sguardo che Trasforma - associative contribution. Info and reservations required cell. 3914143578
Tuesday October 31
Stories and legends of Munacielli and Belle Mbriane and the ghost of the Palasciano between lanes and stairs on the slopes of Capodimonte. Animated path. Appointment ex Caserma Garibaldi - Via Foria
by the Viviquartiere Napoli Association - associative contribution
Info and mandatory booking 3396304072 -
Stories and legends of Munacielli and Belle Mbriane and the ghost of the Palasciano between lanes and stairs on the slopes of Capodimonte. Route from Via Foria along the "Gentile Hill" of Capodimonte to reach the woods along the ancient steps of the Moiariello, between stories and legends of the place.
Appointment ex Caserma Garibaldi - Via Foria
Edited by Legambiente Literary Park Vesuvio ONLUS - associative contribution
Info and reservations required cell. 3388408138 -
Wednesday November 1
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola
Gaiola: a blessing of beauty. From the Virgilian Park to the Submerged Park of Gaiola
possibility to continue the AquaVision boat journey
Viale Virgilio appointment - Parco Virgiliano entrance
by the Gaiola Interdisciplinary Studies Center onlus - associative contribution
Info and reservations required tel. 0812403235 -
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola. Along the way it will be possible to visit the Artistic Production Center Residenza Le Rose - Villa
of Art. Appointment Viale Virgilio - Virgiliano Park entrance
by the Gaiola Point Association - associative contribution
Info and reservations required: cell. 3385702477
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola. Trekking, legends and stories with animation and gouache making - suitable for children aged 3 to 10 accompanied by at least one adult. Appointment Viale Virgilio - Virgiliano Park entrance
by the L'Officina association… precisely - associative contribution
info and reservations required cell. 3391411142 - 3491204993 - 08119569335
Saturday November 4
10,30 hours
from the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and Virgil's egg. “Taste the origins of Parthenope and the myth of Virgil”. Along the way there is a coffee stop and a food and wine tasting. In Piazza Plebiscito with the game of crossing the square blindfolded.
Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance. By Manallart Association
info and reservations required: cell. 333 8877512 / 333 3851932
Stories and legends of Munacielle and Belle Mbriane and the ghost of the Palasciano between lanes and stairs on the slopes of Capodimonte. Appointment ex Caserma Garibaldi - Via Foria
by the Visionary Association - associative contribution
info and mandatory booking 3389281779
Sunday November 5
10,30 hours
from the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and Virgil's egg. “Taste the origins of Parthenope and the myth of Virgil”.
Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance
edited by the Manallart Association
info and reservations required: cell. 333 8877512 / 333 3851932
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola. Appointment Viale Virgilio - Virgiliano Park entrance
by the Visionary Association - associative contribution
info and mandatory booking 3389281779
Saturday November 11
From the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and Virgil's egg. Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance. By the Visionary Association - associative contribution
info and mandatory booking 3389281779
Sunday November 12
From the vision of the "ardent fields", to the legend of Posillipo and Nisida up to the curse of the islet of Gaiola
From the Virgilian Park to the islet of Gaiola. Animated path
Viale Virgilio appointment - Parco Virgiliano entrance
by the Viviquartiere Napoli Association - associative contribution
Info and mandatory booking 3396304072 -
Trekking route to Nisida. Edited by Legambiente Literary Park Vesuvio ONLUS - associative contribution
Info and reservations required at 3388408138 -
Sunday November 19
from the islet of Megaride to the Acropolis of the original city: the myth of Parthenope and the egg of Virgil
Animated path. Appointment at the Castel dell'Ovo entrance
by the Viviquartiere Napoli Association - associative contribution
Info and mandatory booking 3396304072 -