European 2017 Heritage Days in Naples and Campania: 1 euro museums in the evening and special visits

Evening openings at 1 euro and guided visits to museums and historical places: the 2017 European Heritage Days in Naples and Campania.
After the overwhelming success of the last editions, the 23 and 24 September the appointment with the European Heritage Days 2017. Anchme Naples and Campania participate in the initiative with various cultural sites.
For Saturday 23 September theevening opening at 1 euro of many museums and historical places. During the regular hours of both days, however, the sites will be accessed with ordinary costs. The entire weekend includes a rich program of special guided tours, initiatives and meetings.
Il main theme chosen this year is Culture and Nature, with paths that investigate the relationship between man and the environment that surrounds him. Since 1991 the European Institutions have been promoting the event to reaffirm the fundamental role of culture in the member countries of the Union. This year they are almost 1000 events scheduled throughout Italy, thanks to the participation not only of public state bodies, but also of foundations, galleries and private associations.
Museums and sites adhering to the Heritage Days
Museums in Naples
Maschio Angioino
In addition to ordinary hours of underground visits, the Maschio Angioino will carry out extraordinary openings on Saturday 22 September from 10.00 to 16.00 and Sunday 23 September from 10.00 to 13.00. You will discover the history of the Castle and deepen the relationship between man and territory through the theme chosen by the Council of Europe, "Culture and Nature". More information in our article.
Free visits to the Greek-Roman theater
The Greek-Roman Theater Neapolis will open its doors to the public for free guided tours over the weekend. More information in the dedicated article.
Visit to the Museum of the Historical Archive of the Banco di Napoli
Naples, Historical Archives of the Banco di Napoli
Guided tour - From 22 September 2017 to 28 September 2017 Hours: Every day from 10.00 to 18.00. Sunday from 10.00 to 14.00. Last admission 17.30 pm. Closed on Wednesday
The diocesan historical archive: illustrious figures from the city of Naples
Naples, Diocesan Historical Archive
Exhibition - From 22 September 2017 to 28 September 2017 Hours: 9.00 -13.00 The exhibition will be closed on Sunday 24 September 2017
The garden of Virgilio
Naples, Virgilio Park and Tomb
Guided tour - 23 September 2017 Timetable: 19.30
The ancient Spezieria
Naples, Certosa di San Martino Museum
Guided tour - 23 September 2017 Timetable: 16.30
The park of the Duchess of Floridia
Naples, Museum of ceramics Duca di Martina in Villa Floridiana
Meeting / Presentation - 23 September 2017 Time: 11.00
Yoga in the Park
Naples, Museum of ceramics Duca di Martina in Villa Floridiana
Educational activity - From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017 Timetable: 17.00-19.00
The path of the Carthusians. The paths of the soul
Naples, Certosa and San Martino Museum
Extraordinary opening - 23 September 2017 Hours: 19.30-22.30; last admission 21.30
A museum and an art park
Naples, Museum of ceramics Duca di Martina in Villa Floridiana
Meeting / Presentation - 23 September 2017 Time: 19.00
Extraordinary opening of the National Library of Naples
Naples, "Vittorio Emanuele III" National Library
Extraordinary opening - September 24, 2017 Hours: to be defined
Harvest in the Certosa. The ancient vineyard of the monks
Naples, Certosa and San Martino Museum
Didactic activity - 24th September 2017 Timetable: 10.00
Museums in Avellino
Culture and nature: the cycle of the months
Avellino, Former Bourbon Prison
From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017 Hours: Saturday 23 September: 10.00-13.00 / 17.00 - 23.00 Sunday 24 September: 10.00-13.00 / 17.00 - 20.00
The mystery of the garden. Unpublished finds from the Domus of Atripalda
Avellino, Former Bourbon Prison
Guided tour - From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017 Hours: Saturday 23 September: 10.00-13.00; 17.00-23.00; Sunday 24 September: 10.00-13.00; 17.00-20.00
Friezes and stuccos. Naturalistic motifs from frescos from the Domus of Atripalda
Atripalda, Archaeological area of the ancient Abellinum
Guided tour - From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017 Hours: Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September: 9.00 / 13.00
Museums in Benevento
The wine between history, archeology and tradition
Montesarchio, National Archaeological Museum of the Sannio Caudino
Meeting / Presentation - 23 September 2017 Time: 18.00
Museums in Caserta
Hoc instrumentum scripsi ego
Caiazzo, Diocesan Historical Archive of Alife-Caiazzo
Exhibition - From 28 July 2017 to 22 September 2017 Hours: 9.00-13.00 - 17.00-20.00 Sunday 10.00-13.00 - 17.00-20.00
From wild to domesticated: interweaving between nature and culture
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Archaeological Museum of ancient Capua and Mitreo
Guided tour - From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017 Timetable: 9.00
Not grass but a landscape to love
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Campania Amphitheater
Meeting / Presentation - 23 September 2017 Time: 18.30
Museums in Salerno
XII edition "La Festa dei Boccali"
Vietri sul Mare, Villa Guariglia
The 23 September 2017 Timetable: 19.00
Altum Silentium
Padula, Certosa di San Lorenzo
Meeting / Presentation - On 23 September 2017 Time: 19.30 - 22.30
Two hundred years but it shows more: the State Archives of Salerno turns two centuries
Salerno, State Archive of Salerno
Extraordinary opening - From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017 Hours: 9.00-13.00; 16.00-20.00
Land Art Park: Perino & Vele
Pontecagnano Faiano, National Archaeological Museum of Pontecagnano
Inauguration - 23 September 2017 Timetable: 19.00
Hortus Simplicium
Padula, Certosa di San Lorenzo
Guided tour - September 24, 2017 Hours: 10.00 - 14.00
New discoveries at the Museum: from the Etruscan landscape to the 'woman with umbrella'
Pontecagnano Faiano, National Archaeological Museum of Pontecagnano
Meeting / Presentation - 24 September 2017 Time: 18.00
Information on European Heritage Days
When: 23 and 24 September 2017
Dove: museums and historical and cultural sites of Naples and Campania
- Saturday 23 September three-hour evening opening at the price of 1 € (consult the individual museums for exact times) | ordinary costs during the day
- Sunday 24 September ordinary costs