The Villas of the Golden Mile in Herculaneum and Torre del Greco reopen to the public

Villa Campolieto in Herculaneum

The wonderful Vesuvian Villas of the Golden Mile reopen for guided tours in person and online!

Visits in person are suspended in compliance with the anti-Covid provisions applied in the orange regions.


The beautiful Vesuvian Villas of the Golden Mile have also reopened to the public and specifically Villa Campolieto in Herculaneum and Villa delle Ginestre in Torre del Greco.

Thanks to the fact that Campania remains in the yellow zone, almost all the museums and archaeological sites have reopened to the public and the Villas of the Golden Mile are no less.

You can make guided visits in presence, naturally respecting all anti-Covid19 security measures, but also visits online on Sunday.

Visits to the Villas of the Golden Mile

Visits to the two Villas in person can be done on the following days and times:

  • Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 18.00 by reservation (for groups of at least 10 people)
  • Info and reservations: or on 081 7322134
  • The price is 5 euros

As for online visits, you can make:

  • Sunday 28 February at 16.00 pm paying 3 euros per person
  • Info and reservations: or on 081 7322134

Il link for the visit will be communicated at the time of booking and the visit will be carried out "live online" by an expert guide on site. It will last approximately 40 minutes and will also be available in Spanish and English.

Information on visits to the Villas


  • live from Monday to Friday
  • online Sunday 28 February


  • live at the Villa delle Ginestre (Torre del Greco) and at the Villa Campolieto (Ercolano)
  • online at the link that will be communicated at the time of booking


  • live from 10.00 to 18.00
  • online at 16.00

Info: Facebook event | Facebook page Vesuvian Villas Foundation

Photo source: Ente Ville Vesuviane Foundation

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