Mare Fuori 3, the official release date on Rai 2: it will arrive after Sanremo

The cast of Mare Fuori

The latest rumors spoke of a postponement, but the news appears to be a Fake News. Mare Fuori confirms its release date.

La third season of Mare Fuori finally has one official release date. The Italian fiction, or rather Neapolitan, has achieved enormous success especially after the arrival on Netflix and after the first two seasons, everyone is waiting for the third where the protagonist should be the now super popular Edoardo (Matthew Paulillo).

To announce its official arrival date is the blog of Davide Maggio and apparently Mare Fuori 3 will arrive on Rai2 on 15 February 2023, dopo Sanremo 2023. Always subject to changes in the schedule of the Italian public radio and television service company. It should, therefore, arrive first on Rai and only later on Netflix or it will be a simultaneous debut.

Also, February 15, 2023 is a Wednesday, therefore, this would also confirm the broadcasting of Mare Fuori on this day of the week. Accurately they will be aired 2 episodes in the evening every week for a total of 12 bets.

What we know about Mare Fuori 3: spoiler alert

  • Edoardo could get married with Carmela, mother of his son, during the third season
  • Edoardo will shoot to someone
  • Edoardo could die at the end of the third season
  • Filippo should leave Mare Out, changing city and life (some say he may lose his life)
  • Good Emy de la Pupa and Secchione enters as new character in Mare 3 and will be linked to Pino
  • Cyrus Ricci may not be dead and come back in season XNUMX
Image Credits: profile picture taken by @marefuoriofficialserie
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Written by Andrew Navarro
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