Mare Fuori 4, Edoardo ends up in Poggioreale. Spoilers

Edoardo and the surveillance camera in Mare Fuori 4

At the center of Mare Fuori 4 we have the character of Edward Conte, young and ambitious, who chooses to kill Don Salvatore, head of the Ricci family. Edward's move is not only an act of revenge, but marks his attempt to dthe rise to power.

Was Edoardo filmed during Don Salvatore's murder?

In second episode, while Edoardo makes the irrevocable gesture against Don Salvatore a surveillance camera captures the moment of entry into the tired 117 of boss Ricci. The presence of this electronic eye, an unexpected witness to the event, raises a burning question: was his action recorded?

Will Rosa Ricci see the film or will Edoardo end up in Poggioreale?

The ramifications of this discovery there can be two: from one side, the perspective that Edoardo can be dragged behind bars Poggioreale for his crime.

On the other hand, an even more dramatic scenario: the video could fall into the hands of Curly Rose, creating a gulf between her and Edoardo. The revelation promises to unleash an unprecedented war, dividing the waters into two opposing factions: i Ricci against the Contes, with Micciarella ready to side with Edoardo after the murder of the lawyer Alfred.

The tik tok theory

On social media, especially on TikTok, speculations are abuzz. Users, armed with keen observations, suggest that the presence of the camera during the murder of Don Salvatore it wasn't a coincidence. This seemingly minor detail could completely overturn the future dynamics of Sea Out 4, leaving fans on edge. The online community is abuzz, analyzing every possible outcome of this bombshell revelation.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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