Naples Metro Line 1, early closure on April 3rd

Il 3 April la Line 1 of the Naples metro will close early due to some maintenance operations cannot be postponed, a significant inconvenience for users.
The reasons for the early closure
The decision to bring forward the races was made necessary to allow for technical checks on the line. These are fundamental checks to ensure that everything works as best as possible and that our safety is never in question.
These early closures for maintenance have been very frequent lately, but unfortunately some technical failures have still occurred they paralyzed transport for many hours. From ANM no information has been received in this regard on the reasons for this constant maintenance, we are now talking about even an early closing per week, if not more often!
The Metro1 early closure times for Wednesday 3 April
Pay attention to the new timetables if you have to travel on Wednesday evening:
- The last ride from Piscinola will leave at 21:26.
- Da Garibaldi, however, the last possibility of departure will be at 21:50.