Naples Food and Culture Festival at Parco San Paolo: free with tastings, music and entertainment

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Saturday 19 February 2022 a new edition of Naples Food and Culture Festival to be held at San Paolo Park and which will foresee events until April 9, 2022 which will take place once a week, or on Saturdays.

In particular, the event will take place at Covered Market Campagna Amica in Fuorigrotta and will be dedicated to young and old with lots of activities and news planned, with the sole aim of enhancing food.

In fact, starting at 10:00 there will be various activities, sound performances and lots of it entertainment for younger guests. You will also have the opportunity to have lunch at the Market, there will in fact be many offers, tastings of typical products at km0, the tasty fried fish cuoppo and much more.

The program

Here is the program of events that will take place every Saturday from February 19th to April 9th.

February 19:

  • From 10:00 am Animation with workshops and manual activities for children
  • At 10:00 Viteres: how to produce wine without chemicals and water waste presentation of the project born from the partnership of Il Cortiglio, Irpinia wine and olive company, the University of Molise and Gal Irpinia
  • At 11:30 am entertainment show with juggling and fire-breathing
  • At 10:45 am conference “The food of the Nymphs between Alchemy and Music. Sound suggestions at the foot of Vesuvius ”, with the participation of Carlo Contocalakis, Francesco Scelzo
  • At 13:00 Performance with music and stories by Carlo Contocalakis and Francesco Scelzo
  • At 13:00 The kitchen in the square, Music on the plate

February 26:

  • 10:00 am Inauguration of the Maria Pia Daidone exhibition
  • 10:00 am At the same time, also activities for children with juggling, Carnival mask workshop and the entertainment show by Ole and Ilvia
  • 11:00 am Conference "In the shadow of the myths of Partenope, from sacred art to impromptu"
  • 11 am Workshop of impromptu painting (by reservation)
  • 14 pm Creation of a painting by the artist Maria Pia Daidone

5 March:

  • 10.00 am: for children, many educational activities and entertainment, many gadgets on healthy and proper nutrition. Baby Agrichef workshop with AgriChef Annamaria Colanera. Cookie workshop with the goofy cook mascot. Magic show with the Wizard Erik
  • 11.00 am: "The kitchen of the Janare - Christmas in Casa Cupiello" Speakers: Adelaide Oliano (Actress), Laura Miriello (Actress)
  • 11.35 am: first theatrical performance in costume "La cucina delle janare" by Laura Miriello, on stage Adelaide Oliano
  • 13.30 pm: second monologue performance taken from “Natale di Casa Cupiello”.

12 March

  • from 10.00 entertainment for children, even with soap bubbles, and tastings with advice on proper nutrition

19 March

  • events for children and families on the occasion of Father's Day. There will also be Matteo Mauriello's tammorre show

26 March

  • from 10.00 free workshop for the preparation of the dough for pizzas, animation with Peppa Pig and the magic show of Mago Pakos;
  • musical interlude with Carlo Contocalakis.

2th April

  • entertainment and events from 10.00
  • show by Mago Pakito
  • free workshop for children to create crafts for Easter

9th April

  • entertainment and events from 10.00
  • show of Tarantella Napoletana of the Ballet Teatro Scuola Rossella Rossi
  • entertainment for children, the show by Ole and Ilvia and the workshop to create artifacts for the Easter theme with the White Rabbit

Information on the Naples Food and Culture Festival


From February 19th to April 9th ​​2022, every Saturday


San Paolo Park, Piazzale Vincenzo Tecchio, 80125 Naples NA


Starting at 10: 00


Free admission


Coldiretti Facebook page

Anti-Covid rules 19

  • Ffp2 mask obligation
  • Where: Parco San Paolo, Naples
  • When: from Saturday 19 February 2022 to Saturday 09 April 2022, from 10:00
  • Closed on days:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Sunday
  • Price: the event is free
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