Naples, 2 euro tax approved for flights from Capodichino

To embark at the Naples airport you will have to pay for a new one tassa. The Municipality of Naples has decided that anyone who chooses to use the services of Capodichino will have to submit to a payment of two euros per person. The increase will kick off in 2023 and was officially approved by the city assembly on 28 December 2022.

The upper floors, however, communicate that this choice derives from the commitments that we had been asked for since Government as conditions of the Pact for Naples.

Company GESAC (Management of Campania Airport Services) proves itself annoyed, stating that such a decision is not just a danno for the company itself but above all for the Neapolitan, for the city and the citizens.

Here is what was stated

"The increase determines, in fact, for the airlines, a lower economic sustainability of flights, which would therefore be reduced in terms of number and frequencies, with a consequent recessive impact on tourism and the economy of the city of Naples and the Campania Region as a whole"

"It is important to underline that the increase in the airport boarding tax is only indirectly harmful to Gesac: instead it is directly harmful to the city and its citizens"

"It will cause immediate damage to tourism and, in a closer perspective, to the development of the city and to direct and indirect employment linked to the airport, as well as for Neapolitan citizens who, leaving from their airport, will pay higher fares".

At the same time, however, the commissioner Pier Paolo Baretta stated that the Municipality is open to the dialogue with Gesac, but also that these measures are necessary for the pact stipulated and for this very reason a una should be requested homogeneous national policyIndeed, just recently the town of Venice increased the airport tax by 2,5 €.

The departure tax, approved by the City Council, therefore passes to 2 € for Naples. It will be applied within a deadline that does not go beyond February 28, 2023 and the proposal not to apply the ai airport departure tax was rejected resident in Naples and its province. The possibility of establishing a embarkation tax for transits in the port of Naples and for the entry of tourist buses into the city is being evaluated.

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