Free Herculaneum excavations in August 2019 with the Boat Pavilion and the SplendOri exhibition

Excavations of Herculaneum

Free entry to the Archaeological Park of Ercolano in Ferragosto 2019 to visit the Excavations, the Boat Pavilion and the SplendOri Exhibition!

The day of Ferragosto 2019 is approaching and certainly in the city and province there will be many events not to be missed. In the meantime, let's start recommending thefree opening of the Herculaneum excavations just the day of August 15th.

In fact, on Thursday of August, the day of the Feast of the Assumption which is very popular in Herculaneum, for the first time there will be thefree entry to the Excavations, the Boat Pavilion and the SplendOri Exhibition. Anyone can visit them and it will be an unmissable opportunity to visit even for the many tourists who are in Campania in this period.

As stated by the Director of the Archaeological Park, Francesco Sirano, the site proves to be inclusive and close to anyone visiting our magnificent territory.

We remember that in Ercolano there are also other initiatives for this summersuch us evening visits on Friday enriched with beautiful videomapping and of tableaux vivants. A program that will go on until September.

Furthermore, the integrated ticket for the Park of Ercolano, the Musa and Pietrarsa.

Information on free admission to Herculaneum

When: 15 August 2019

Where: Ercolano Archaeological Park, Corso Resina - 80056 Ercolano

Schedules: 08: 30 - 19.30 (last entry to 18: 00)

Price: free

Info: 081 7777008 | | Site of the Herculaneum Excavations from the official site of the Cultural Heritage

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