Cumana, Circumvesuviana and Naples-Aversa metro strike 1 June 2021: timetables
Lo strike national public transport also sees the adhesion of the means EAV Tuesday 1 June 2021. In fact, there may be disruptions on the lines of the Cumana and the Circumflegreaand Circumvesuvianaand MetroCampania NordEst and trains to and from Benevento and Piedimonte.
The strike is called by the trade unions Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Faisa Cisal and Ugl Fna for the renewal of the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri.
Here are the guarantee bands and times. Recall that also ANM adheres to the strike.
Strike scheduled from the start of service at 6:17 am - from 8:03 am to 13:17 pm - from 17:32 pm until the end of the service
Service band from 6.17 to 8.03. First departures guaranteed after the strike:
- Naples - S. Giorgio via CD 6.41
- Naples - Sorrento 6.40
- Naples - Sarno 6.32
- Naples - Baiano 6.18
- Naples - Poggiomarino 6.24
- Sarno - Naples 6.19
- S.Giorgio via CD - Naples 6.49
- Sorrento - Naples 6.29
- Poggiomarino - Naples 6.27
- Baiano - Naples 6.32
Last departures guaranteed before the strike:
- Naples - Sorrento 7.09
- Naples -Baiano 7.18
- Naples - Poggiomarino 7.25
- Naples - Sarno 8.02
- Naples - S. Giorgio via CD 7.41
- Baiano - Naples 8.02
- Sorrento - Naples 7.55
- Sarno - Naples 7.19
- Poggiomarino - Naples 7.34
- S.Giorgio via CD - Naples 7.49
Service band from 13.18 to 17.32. First departures guaranteed after the strike:
- Naples - Sarno 14.02
- Naples - Baiano 13.18
- Naples - Acerra 14.04
- Naples - S. Giorgio via CD 13.41
- Naples - Sorrento 13.41
- Naples - Poggiomarino 13.24
- Sarno - Naples 13.49
- Sorrento - Naples 13.37
- Acerra - Naples 14.17
- S. Giorgio via CD - Naples 13.19
- Baiano - Naples 14.0
- Poggiomarino - Naples 14.04
Last departures guaranteed before the strike:
- Naples - Sarno 17.02
- Naples - Sorrento 17.09
- Naples - Baiano 17.18
- Naples - Acerra 17.04
- Naples - Poggiomarino 17.24
- Naples - S. Giorgio via CD 17.11
- Sorrento - Naples 17.25
- Acerra - Naples 17.18
- Sarno - Naples 16.49
- Poggiomarino - Naples 17.04
- Baiano - Naples 17.02
- S. Giorgio via CD - Naples 17.19
Cumana and Circumflegrea
The service is guaranteed from 5:00 to 8:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30
Service operating range from 5: 00 to 8: 00. Latest departures guaranteed before the strike:
- Montesanto - Torregaveta 7: 41
- Montesanto - 8 License: 00
- Torregaveta - Montesanto 7: 54
- Licola - Montesanto 7: 56
Service band from 14.30 to 17.30. First departures guaranteed after the strike:
- Montesanto - 14 License: 48
- Construction sites - Torregaveta 14:32
- Soccavo - Licola 14:33
- Exhibition - Torregaveta 14:30
- Montesanto - Torregaveta 14: 41
- Fourth - Licola 14:32
- Torregaveta - Montesanto14: 34
- Licola - Montesanto 14: 44
- CVEmanuele - Montesanto 14:32
- Fourth - Montesanto 14.33
- Soccavo - Montesanto 14:32
Last departures guaranteed before the strike:
- Montesanto - Torregaveta 17: 21
- Montesanto - 17 License: 12
- Torregaveta - Montesanto 17: 14
- Licola - Montesanto 17: 08
Naples-Giugliano-Aversa subway line (Northeast MetroCampania)
The service is guaranteed from 6:00 to 8:30 and from 16:30 to 20:00.
Foperating ax service from 06: 00 to 08: 30. Latest departures before the strike:
- Aversa - Piscinola 8.00
- Piscinola - Aversa 8.15
First departures after the strike:
- Piscinola - Aversa 16.45
- Aversa - Piscinola 16.30
Last departures before the strike resumed:
- Aversa - Piscinola 19.30
- Piscinola - Aversa 19.45
Suburban lines from Naples to Benevento and Piedimonte
The only guaranteed runs are:
- Naples - Benevento: 7.00 - 8.21 - 21.13 (Replaced by "AM Autoservizi Meridionali" bus)
- Benevento - Naples: 5.44 - 6.50 - 18.49 (Replaced by "AM Autoservizi Meridionali" bus)
- Naples - Piedimonte: 7.50 - 17.20 - 20.30
- Piedimonte - Naples: 5.21 - 6.29 (S. Angelo in Formis - Naples section and vice versa covered by car service) - 17.21
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