Theatrical performances at Maschio Angiono: free with the artistic direction of Maurizio De Giovanni

Under the rich program of events of theSummer in Naples, even in the beautiful location of the Maschio Angioino events will take place and shows all free that will accompany us not only for the rest of the summer, but until October.
From 19 August to 1 October 2021, in fact, the Castel Nuovo hosts a theatrical review featuring many talented Italian artists, all with the artistic direction of Maurizio De Giovanni. In total it is 23 live shows with Giuliana De Sio, Peppe Lanzetta, Gino Rivieccio, Alessandro Preziosi and many other important names in our artistic panorama.
By reservation only
To participate in the events it is necessary to book by sending an email to and reservations will be accepted in chronological order of submission while seats last. The shows start at 21.00, but if you are delayed by more than 15 minutes you will no longer be entitled to access.
Here is the program of the shows in a truly enchanting place.
Program of theatrical performances
19 August
at 20: 00 Giuliana De Sio & Alessandro Haber in Fabulous
20 August
at 21: 00 The Abbey of the Mystery
21 August
at 21: 00 Both right and wrong
26 August
at 21: 00 Peppe Lanzetta and Jannà Romano in Sorry for the return
27 August
at 21: 00 Gino Rivieccio recital
28 August
at 21: 00 Face to face with Maurizio Casagrande
at 21: 00 hug me tight with Gianfranco Gallo
at 21: 00 Fever for Commissioner Ricciardi with Paolo Cresta
21:00 I know and I have proof
21:00 Othello on Cassio's side with Alessandro Preziosi
21:00 Mom by Annibale Ruccello
21:00 My brother
21:00 Nine hundred by A. Baricco
21:00 Fedra with Isabella Ferrari
21:00 Female with Anna Cinzia Villani
21:00 Via D'Amelio 19, chronicle of a death foretold
20: 00 and 21: 00 hours Pulcinella at the Maschio Angioino
21:00 Enzo Moscato in Luparella or photo of Bordello with Nanà
21:00 The days of abandonment with Rosaria De Cicco
21:00 Father & Son with Antonello Cossia
21:00 Songs for Commissioners Ricciardi
21:00 The night of the philosophers
1 October
21:00 Actors or poets? The bandwagon of restless characters
Information on the shows
from 19 August to 1 October 2021
Maschio Angioino, via Vittorio Emanuele III
free of charge
Info and contacts
3421116937 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 17.00, also for information on reservations for the weaker groups | Site of the Municipality of Naples
Photo source: TeatrodiNapoli
- Where: Maschio Angioino
- When:
- Thursday 19 August 2021 from 21pm
- Friday 20 August 2021 from 21:00
- Saturday 21 August 2021 from 21pm
- Thursday 26 August 2021 from 21pm
- Friday 27 August 2021 from 21:00
- Saturday 28 August 2021 from 21pm
- Thursday 02 September 2021 from 21:00
- Friday 03 September 2021 from 21pm
- Saturday 04 September 2021 from 21pm
- Monday 06 September 2021 from 21
- Thursday 09 September 2021 from 21:00
- Friday 10 September 2021 from 21pm
- Saturday 11 September 2021 from 21pm
- Sunday 12 September 2021 from 21pm
- Thursday 16 September 2021 from 21:00
- Friday 17 September 2021 from 21pm
- Saturday 18 September 2021 from 21pm
- Wednesday 22 September 2021 from 21pm
- Thursday 23 September 2021 from 21:00
- Friday 24 September 2021 from 21pm
- Saturday 25 September 2021 from 21pm
- Thursday 30 September 2021 from 21:00
- Friday 01th October 2021 from 21am
- Price: the event is free