Santa Claus Village 2019 and Artist's Lights in Bacoli

Christmas lights in Bacoli

Bacoli is an air of celebration and is about to celebrate 2019 Christmas with Artist's Lights, Santa's Village and much more.

Everything is now ready to bacoli to celebrate the best Christmas festivities, with the commitment of the first citizen Josi Gerardo della Ragione to create an environment with a joyful and festive atmosphere.

The lighting of the Artists' lights is scheduled for the day of Thursday 21 November 2019 at 17.30, thus officially giving way to new ones Christmas parties, which we hope will be as serene as possible and of communion and sharing for all families.

Il mayor he wants to communicate in his Facebook's official page that the lighting works are going to be completed and more in view of the Christmas .

I am on probation Artist's lights in the Villa Comunale and the Santa's Village, all initiatives promoted to make bacoli a party in celebration, which wants to offer its citizens and tourists a place to be able to pass their own Christmas holidays serenely.

Thus it is that the territory is colored with the lights of the lights and two illuminated parks for the occasion.

2019 Christmas Information in Bacoli

Where: Various areas of Bacoli

When: From 21 November 2019

Timetable: Lighting of the artist's lights at 17:30 pm

Price: Free event

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