
The latest updates
Il nuovo rigido decreto DL festività:  Green Pass rafforzato per quasi tutto e FFP2 obbligatorie

The new strict decree DL holidays: Green Pass strengthened for almost everything and mandatory FFP2

December 23 2021

Vietate le feste in locali e discoteche in Campania: continua la stretta di De Luca

Parties in clubs and discos are prohibited in Campania: De Luca's squeeze continues

December 21 2021

Obbligo di tampone anche ai vaccinati e vaccino obbligatorio: le novità del decreto

Obligation to swab also for vaccinated persons and compulsory vaccine: the novelties of the decree

December 20 2021

Misure anti-Covid a Chiaia e nel centro storico di Napoli: decine di strade a rischio chiusura

Anti-Covid measures in Chiaia and in the historic center of Naples: dozens of streets at risk of closure

December 19 2021

Vaccini 5-11 anni a Napoli: dove farli, come prenotare nelle scuole e gli orari degli hub

Vaccines 5-11 years in Naples: where to get them, how to book in schools and hub timetables

December 16 2021

Obbligo di tampone e quarantena per gli ingressi in Italia e le novità sul Super Green Pass

Buffer and quarantine obligation for entries into Italy and the news on the Super Green Pass

December 15 2021

Vaccini ai bambini 5-11 anni in Campania: ecco quando si parte e come aderire
Free health and prevention

Vaccines for children aged 5-11 in Campania: here's when to start and how to join

December 04 2021

Vaccini a Napoli, attivo il sostegno psicologico dell’Asl per chi ha timore

Vaccines in Naples, the psychological support of the ASL is active for those in fear

December 03 2021

Vaccini per i bambini in Campania, si faranno anche nelle scuole

Vaccines for children in Campania will also be done in schools

Published on December 03, 2021

Vaccino per i bambini da 5 a 1 anni, l’Aifa dà il via libera
Free health and prevention

Vaccine for children aged 5 to 1, Aifa gives the green light

December 02 2021

Dad in Campania, la Regione propone la chiusura delle scuole: ecco quando

Dad in Campania, the Region proposes the closure of schools: that's when

November 26, 2021

Super Green Pass e obbligo di vaccino: ecco le nuove regole

Super Green Pass and vaccine obligation: here are the new rules

November 25, 2021