Mare fuori: the theme song and the soundtrack of the Neapolitan series

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A series that is leading Naples around the world and which, at the same time, is conquering the spectators above all thanks to its arrival on Netflix. Made by RAI, Sea Out is gathering a lot of support both thanks to the plot (raw, real, educational but also positive and full of hope) both thanks to young Neapolitan actors who manage to show off their talent.

The attention of the spectators is also focused on opening theme which immediately manages to make you fall in love with its melody and touching words.

Who sings the opening theme of Mare Fuori

The introduction song of each episode of Mare Fuori is sung by the artist Matthew Paulillo (stage name Icaro) who, moreover, in the series interprets the character of "Edoardo".

Matteo Paolillo singer of the theme song and actor of Mare Fuori

“O mar for” is produced by Lorenzo Gennaro (Lolloflow), a 23-year-old Roman who has been collaborating with Icaro. On instagram the producer explained his song and his desire for redemption, the main inspiration for his composition:

I composed and produced this song in one afternoon, mega inspired from opportunity that had presented itself to my door and from the desire to redemption. Why ransom? Because I have started making electronic music in one cellar, just me and my desire to learn. No one has ever explained to me how to approach vibrations, much less what was right or wrong to do.

I've always believed in me and in my natural gift to bring back what I have in my head, but above all, perhaps the most important quality, in my intuition. It wasn't easy, but once I understood my identity and defined mine goals, I started to surround myself with people who believed in me, inspiring me and pushing me to always give my best.

I know that the direction I have taken is right, for the simple fact that I am happy. How many can really boast that they are? I think very few. For this reason I believe that I will never be able to stop thanking those who made my artistic-human evolution possible, with the consequent landing of my music on TV. Let's enjoy these moments of glory @matteopaolilloofficial @pj_fullmetal @ suba.crew

I wish you always succeed in crowning yours dreams. Life can be truly wonderful if you commit yourself to it with perseverance. 'O Mar For.

Mare Fuori (O Mar For) initials text

This is the full text of the song O Mar For, sung by Matteo Paolillo and produced by Lorenzo Gennaro.

He stuck a cigarette
Allà c is mammà ch chiagn e nun da rect
Cu sta fatic mo c'accattamm even to Regg and Casert
I know crisciut miezz a vie, or sacc chell that waits for me
A new system, a new system all like this
Miezz a vie and megl a ten and fierr or vennr and ros

Patm is carcerat, I know the omm and cas
Lievc e man a cuoll ca chill m'è frat
And it hurts me or my heart or you know it too (you too)
No c vac a scol, no, but nun ca vac chiù
He catches me in Gaiol cu ​​nu chil e fumm
Mar mo is for, nun m pozz vere chiù

No worries you guaglio, c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
Aret e sbarr, sotto o ciel c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
No worries you guaglio, c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
Aret e sbarr, sotto o ciel c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for

Ricn ca mill culur
Agg vist'o sul o grig (nanananana)
Nto courtyard and guaglion
S fann n'ata creep
Tutt and juorn equal I want to dry (I want to be dry)
Or mor ca dint or mor exciso
A cap hurts m, n'arriv a understood
Yes I know nat cca, what's my fault?
Mann mis o fierr n'man and mann itt "spar"
Napl a ca dind par very luntana
Tutt e juorn thought "c'agg fatt e mal?"
All and juorn, all and juorn pens'o mar (pens'o mar)

No worries you guaglio, c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
Aret e sbarr, sotto o ciel c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
No worries you guaglio, c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
Aret e sbarr, sotto o ciel c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
No worries you guaglio, c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
Aret e sbarr, sotto o ciel c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
No worries you guaglio, c sta o mar for
C sta o mar for, c sta o mar for

The soundtrack of Mare fuori

O Mar For it is not the only song that conquers the audience, but its whole album got a lot of consensus on Spotify. Are 33 tracks realized by Stephen Lentini, self-taught composer and multi-instrumentalist born in 1974, who has achieved fundamental collaborations such as the one with Wong Kar-Wai, for whom he created the music for the two Academy Award nominated film “The Grandmaster”. In addition, he has created the music for important films and TV series such as “La Porta Rossa”, “Braccialetti Rossi”, “It's never too late”, “The devil's clocks”.

Here is the full list of tracks

  1. Requiem of the sea
  2. 'O mar for (feat. Icaro, Lolloflow, Raiz)
  3. Suddenly for piano at the station
  4. Tic Toc (feat. Raiz)
  5. 'O core mio (feat. Carolina Gentile)
  6. The revolt
  7. Suite of the walls (Dear sea)
  8. Sonata of the meeting for piano for four hands
  9. Sea Out (feat. Raiz)
  10. Nocturnal Suite in C minor - Act I - That night
  11. Nocturnal Suite in C minor - Act II - Impromput
  12. Nocturnal Suite in C minor - Act III - Dream
  13. Singing of songs
  14. Ddoje mane (feat. Raiz)
  15. The voices inside scream (Prison)
  16. Moon (from Soon of the Moonlight)
  17. Child (Time landslide)
  18. The fight (There's a sea outside)
  19. Partita for Piano and Orchestra - Overture
  20. Partita for Piano and Orchestra - Adagio
  21. Partita for Piano and Orchestra - Sonata
  22. Cantata of the sea
  23. Prayer from the sea
  24. Homecoming
  25. Short adagio from Ludwig van Beethoven's Moonlight
  26. De blessed life
  27. Speech from the depths
  28. The Sea Beyond
  29. Rough sea
  30. The wind blows and I'm afraid
  31. Spoken Word
  32. Lost children
  33. One day the sky is beautiful

Read also: the cast of Mare Fuori 3 guest in Sanremo 2023

cover photo source: Film Commissions
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