
ANM is the public transport company of the city of Naples, under the control of the same are the buses, trams and all the devices of the city ground transport (excluding SEPSA), in addition to the Metropolitan lines with the exception of line 2 and all Funicular lines.

The latest updates
Sciopero Generale del 23 Febbraio, orari, fasce garantite e chi aderisce

General Strike of February 23rd, times, guaranteed slots and who participates

February 22 2024

Bus elettrici a Napoli, in arrivo 253 bus prodotti in Cina e Italia
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Electric buses in Naples, 253 buses produced in China and Italy arriving

February 01 2024

A rischio Metro e Funicolari a Capodanno, salta l’accordo?
How to move in Naples

Metro and Funiculars at risk on New Year's Eve, will the agreement fall through?

December 20 2023

Abbonamenti Unico Campania, stop cartaceo ora solo App e Card
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Unico Campania subscriptions, no paper subscriptions, now Apps and Cards only

December 07 2023

Trasporti a Napoli, prolungato l’orario per Natale e Capodanno
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Transport in Naples, opening hours extended for Christmas and New Year

December 01 2023

Annullato lo Sciopero del 27 Novembre, slitta al 15 Dicembre

The strike of November 27th has been cancelled, postponed to December 15th

November 25, 2023

Trasporti a Napoli, sospensione temporanea linee C52 ed E6
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Transport in Naples, temporary suspension of lines C52 and E6

October 25, 2023

Bus di Napoli, ripristinata la Linea bus C1 da tempo sospesa
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Naples Bus, the long-suspended C1 bus line has been restored

October 24, 2023

Neapolis Marathon 2023, modifiche ai trasporti e strade chiuse
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Neapolis Marathon 2023, changes to transport and closed roads

29 September 2023

Aumenti dei biglietti a Napoli dal 1° Settembre 2023, ANM ed EAV
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Ticket increases in Naples from 1 September 2023, ANM and EAV

August 31 2023

Sciopero di Metro Linea 1, Bus e Funicolari a Napoli del 24 Luglio

Strike of Metro Line 1, Buses and Funiculars in Naples on 24 July

July 21 2023

Nuove emettitrici di biglietti ANM con Tap&GO, attive da Agosto
Updates on public transport and closed roads

New ANM ticket machines with Tap&GO, active from August

July 15 2023