
ANM is the public transport company of the city of Naples, under the control of the same are the buses, trams and all the devices of the city ground transport (excluding SEPSA), in addition to the Metropolitan lines with the exception of line 2 and all Funicular lines.

The latest updates
Sciopero dei trasporti del 7 Luglio: Metro Linea 1, Bus e Funicolari

Transport strike on 7 July: Metro Line 1, Buses and Funiculars

July 05 2023

Sciopero di Metro Linea 1, funicolari e Bus del 26 Maggio, stop 24h
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Strike of Metro Line 1, funiculars and buses on May 26, stop 24h

May 18, 2023

Giro d’Italia 2023 a Napoli, sospese delle linee bus, tram e Alibus
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Giro d'Italia 2023 in Naples, suspended of the bus, tram and Alibus lines

May 10, 2023

Festa scudetto Napoli, ecco gli orari serali dei trasporti ANM e EAV
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Scudetto party Naples, here are the evening timetables of the ANM and EAV transports

May 03, 2023

Festa scudetto Napoli, trasporti: metro no-stop per la notte

Scudetto party Naples, transport: non-stop metro for the night

April 28 2023

Sciopero nazionale dei trasporti pubblici del 2 maggio, orari e mezzi

National public transport strike on 2 May, timetables and means

April 27 2023

A Napoli le fermate Anm diventano punti di ricarica per smartphone, ecco la novità

In Naples, the Anm stops become charging points for smartphones, here is the novelty

April 24 2023

Sciopero del 21 aprile 2023, mezzi pubblici, scuola e autostrade

Strike of April 21, 2023, public transport, school and highways

April 20 2023

Sciopero 8 Marzo: chi aderisce, orari e fasce di garanzia

Strike March 8: who joins, times and bands of guarantee

March 07 2023

Sciopero 17 Febbraio: stop metro linea 1, bus, tram e funicolari

Strike February 17: stop metro line 1, buses, trams and funiculars

February 13 2023

Stefano De Martino compra un tram storico di Napoli: cosa ci farà e quanto ha pagato

Stefano De Martino buys a historic tram in Naples: what he will do with it and how much he paid

January 10 2023

Trasporti a Napoli: sospese le linee universitarie e scolastiche
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Transport in Naples: university and school lines suspended

December 22 2022