How does Mare Fuori 3 end? The truth about Rai 2's unreleased ending


The mystery has now been revealed. Sea Out 3 è finished also officially on Rai 2, in fact, on March 22, 2023 the last two episodes which concluded the third season of the Neapolitan fiction. But here we come to the crucial question: Was there an unedited ending or not?

All doubts have been dispelled, the unpublished ending of Mare Fuori 3 does not exist, was just a figment of the imagination of many fans. And the images of Ciro therefore seem to be false, studied at the table, or belong to the 4th season. Unfortunately, in fact, Mare Fuori ended in the exact same way as the version present on Ray Play.

How does Mare Fuori 3 end on Rai 2?

Il Mare Fuori 3 finale on Rai 2 it is the same as the one on Rai Play.

Carmine from a appointment to the person you love, Curly Rose, out of prison while on special leave. In the end, Rosa shows up at the meeting place, i.e. there Piscina Mirabilis and the couple lets themselves go in a moment of passion. Carmine tells her he loves her and just then he arrives Don Salvatore who threatens his daughter and asks her to kill Carmine.

Pink yes he will stand against his father and before pulling the trigger he decides to point it at itself since he doesn't know who to choose, whether his father or Carmine. Salvatore and Carmine stop Rosa and during the fight one shot goes off, but we don't know who hit the bullet. Also, at the end of the episode Edward wakes up consequently he will be ready to accuse the Ricci family of his attempted murder.

The return of Ciro in Mare Fuori 4

At the moment, therefore, we do not know if Ciro is really dead, in the third season without the famous unedited ending it would seem so, since it does not return in the finale. But we must always remember that the final scene of Mare Fuori 3 could be resumed at the beginning of Sea Out 4 and, therefore, maybe reveal the brother's return by Rosa Ricci who will save her sister from her father Salvatore.

Spoilers on Mare Fuori 3 and 4

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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